Chapter 5 1st Death

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The others are waiting for Sidney and Jason to get back with the blankets and pillows. Bella gets up and starts to walk to the door.

Hey where are you going? Mike asked.

To the restroom. Bella said as she opens the door.

Okay, be careful. Mike said.

Okay, I'll be back in a second.

Bella walks out the door and down the hall to find the women's restroom. Jason and Sidney make it to the office and found the blankets and pillows in the nurses office.

Here you carry the pillows and I'll carry the blankets. Jason said.

Okay. Sidney agreed.

Sidney puts the pillows on the desk and walks over to the cabinets.

What? Jason asks.

She picks it up and holds it out for him to see.

It's a key.

Yeah to what? Jason asked.

I don't know.

I wonder if it's one of the clues.


Yeah, when Eva was killed her stepdad left clues remember?


He left clues by accident to find her head.

Oh yeah.

I wonder if there anymore clues in here?

Who knows.

I brought his and Eva's journal and I found Bridgette's when I got home. But I looked and I can never find Katherine's.

Hey I found Katherine's when I got home in my room behind an old picture frame.

Did you bring it with you?


Eva's stepdad should help us find the clues, but it's hard to read. He didn't want anyone to find it.


Because they have his finger prints on them and he would have went to jail if the police found them.

So he didn't go to jail or anything for what he did?

No, but he got something way worse.


Death. Remember he got hit by a truck and the last thing he saw was her.

Lets start looking and see what the key opens.

They start looking around the nurses office, then they looked in the principal's office. They found another with a locker combination on it or a locker number.

I found something. Jason said.

What is it?

It looks like a locker combination or number it's hard to tell where it's so old and faded.

Oh well that sucks

Well we better get back to the others, they are probably wondering where we are.


They started to walk out of the office when they heard a loud scream. They drop their blankets and pillows and start running towards the scream. The group in the gym heard the scream and started to run towards it as well. They all ran to the girls restroom.

What do you think happened? Mike asked starting to freak out.

I don't know! Where is Bella?! Jakob asked freaking out.

Didn't she say something about going to the restroom? Kayla asked.

Oh God!!! Jakob freaked.

Mike opened the door and they found Bella laying on the floor dead with a knife sticking out of her head, blood everywhere. Everyone looked at each other freaking out.

Oh my God!!! Jakob yelled.

It will be okay man. Mike said trying to calm Jakob down.

No it won't, I told you coming up here was a bad idea!!! Jakob roared.

Jakob got up and left the room. Kayla went after him, everyone else stood there for a minute staring at Bella's body. No one except Sidney noticed the figure standing beside the bathroom stall in the mirror. She turns to look at the stall and no one was there.

Bridgette? Sidney whispers to herself.

Everyone starts to leave the restroom and head back to the gym.

What do you think happened? Jay asked

I don't know. But lets not bring it up. Riley said.

What are we going to do about this? Courtney asked.

I guess we are going to have to call the police when the storm clears. Mike said.

Is that the best you can do? One of my best friends and cheerleaders is dead and that's all you can come up with! Courtney yells.

Courtney don't start! I'm doing the best I can, I didn't know something like this would happen! Mike yells getting frustrated with Courtney and her bullshit.

Well try harder!

How. It's not like I can magically stop this storm and call the police!

You can at least try and call the police!

Courtney I don't have any service! What part of the storm is so bad outside, we don't have any service that you don't get!

Well you didn't have any problems texting Sidney earlier telling her where to meet us!

Oh God hear we go again... Riley said sarcastically to himself.

Oh God not this shit again! Courtney you can just come up with anything can't you! There is nothing going on with me and Sidney, we are just friends! I'm sick of you accusing me of shit that I haven't done! That's it, it's over! Mike yelled.

Everyone's jaw drops. Courtney runs out of the gym and down the hall in tears. Sidney and Jason head back to the office to get the pillows and blankets they dropped when they heard Bella scream.



I saw her.


Bridgette. Sidney whispers her name.


I saw her, I saw Bridgette!

How and where?

In the restroom I looked up in the mirror and she was standing beside the stall behind us when I turned around no one was there.

Well that's not good.

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