Chapter 7 3rd Death

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They walk out into the hall and stop in the middle looking around the hallway.

Do you have that feeling like your being watched again? Sidney asked.

Yeah. Jason answered.

And the feeling someone standing behind you? Sidney asked.

Yeah... Do you also have that feeling that something bad is about to happen? Jason asked.


They both turned around slowly to see Katherine standing there with a knife. Eva the pale girl with the long black hair standing behind her whispering in her ear. Jason grabs Sidney by the hand.

Ruunn! Jason yells.

They turn and start running down the hall. Jason pulling Sidney by the hand behind him. Katherine was right behind them. They ran into a classroom and locked the door. They hid under the door window. Katherine disappeared when she got to the door.

Oh my God! I can't believe that just happened. Sidney said shocked.

I know. I'm just glad we got away. Jason said trying to catch his breath.

Yeah, me too.

They stayed in the classroom for a while to catch their breath. Jakob never went back to the group after they found his sister. He sat on the stairs that lead to the basement and lunch room. He hears a noise coming from the basement. He raised his head up and looked around, he got up off the steps and walks down the stairs. He looks around and walks to the lunch room doors and goes inside. He turns and looks back at the doors. He thought he saw someone walk by then he turns and goes to the next room. He see's a black headed girl standing there.

Who are you? Jakob asked, looking confused.

She looks up and smiles at him with an evil look in her eyes.

I'm Bridgette. Come closer I want to show you something.

What is it? Jakob asked still confused.

Your death. Katherine says.

Jakob turns and sees a blondish brown headed girl with long hair wavy hair. Holding a knife.

Who are you! Jakob yells in surprise.

Katherine! She yells raising her knife.

She comes closer with the knife. Jakob backs up, he tries to get past her, but she stabs him in the back before he got away. Bridgette stabs him as well. He screams in pain as they stab and kill him.

What was that? Jay asked.

It sounded like Jakob. Riley said.

Oh God! Tommy yells.

He needs our help. Come on! Riley yells getting up and running towards Jakob's screams.

Everyone got up except Mike. He was still sitting there holding Courtney's body. They ran towards the scream. They went down the basement and lunch room and found Jakob on the floor dead.

Oh my God! Tommy said shocked.

He was stabbed to death. Riley said with a shocked expression on his face.

Everyone was shocked, sad, and confused why this was happening.

What are we going to do? Kayla asked.

I don't know. Riley said.

Where is Sidney and Jason? Kayla asked.

Yeah where are they? Tommy asked.

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