Chapter 3 The Argument

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Where have you been? Loren asked.

The library? Sidney answered looking at her confused.

No you wasn't. Loren said angrily crossing her arms over her chest.

Yes I was. I told you where I was going. Sidney said still confused and getting annoyed.

I didn't see you, and I looked everywhere for you! Loren yelled.

Well I was in the library where I told you I was going. Why does it matter if you couldn't find me, I'm a big girl I can take care of myself. Sidney said annoyed.

No you didn't, but you should have and I was worried! Loren yell

Well I didn't think I had to tell you when and where I was going. I didn't know you was my mother! Sidney yelling starting to get even more annoyed.


I got to go. I don't have time for this bullshit. Sidney said getting in her car and driving off leaving Loren standing there in the parking lot fuming. She drove home going to ask her mom about the Old High School and Katherine, and ask why she didn't tell her about this.

This is not going to end well. Sidney said to herself.

Sidney pulls into the driveway and gets out of the car and walks threw the front door. She finds her mother in the living room reading a book.

Why didn't you tell me! Sidney yelled.

Her mother looks up from her book with a strange confused look on her face after Sidney's outburst.

Tell you what? Sidney's mother asked confused.

About Katherine, Bridgette, the Old High School! Sidney yelled.

Her mother looked at her with shock written all over her face with her mouth opened. She put her book down on the coffee table and stood up.

How do you know their names? She asked still in shock.

I figured it out. And why didn't you tell me Katherine was your sister and she was killed?! Sidney asked angrily.

Because it doesn't matter! Her mother yelled upset.

Mom that's my aunt and your sister. I have a right to know, and you should not keep secrets like that from me. You wouldn't like it if I kelp secrets from you! Sidney shouted

I didn't know how to tell you!

Yes you did! Every time I would ask about the Old High School you would cuss me out about it!

I don't want to talk about this!

See! Just like that! Every time I would bring it up, you do that. You walk off, cuss me out, or say that right there!

Sidney I really don't want to talk about this!

Whatever mom you never want to talk about this. But what does that matter I already know what happened.

Who told you!

They have stuff about it at the library!


Yeah! They have old newspapers about it and everything! Sidney yelled as she ran up the stairs and slammed the door to her room. She laid down on her bed, she noticed an old picture frame across the room. She knows this house is old and use to belong to her mother's parents. She walked over to the picture frame and picks it up to get a closer look at the picture. A little leather book falls out the back and lands in the floor.

What's this?

She bends down and picks the leather book up and opens it. It's Katherine's journal. She starts to read it and then waits for her mother to go take a nap or go to bed. She starts to get ready and texts Mike. He tells her where to meet them. When she finally gets done getting ready, she checks to make sure her mom is asleep. She sneaks out of the house and gets in her car and drives to meet them.

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