Chapter 2 The Library

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Sidney walking down the hall to the library. She makes it to the huge wooden double doors and walks in. The library is a huge two story room with an upstairs balcony, books everywhere. Sidney walks to the middle of the room where the desk and librarian is.

Excuse me, can you tell me where the books are about the Old High School? Sidney asked.

Yes they are up them stairs in the back. That's where all the old news papers and everything is about it including the horrible tragedies that happened there, them poor girls, such a horrible tragedy. The librarian said.

Sidney was surprised by what the librarian said, but she headed up the stairs anyway. As she walked up she was also surprised to see Jason sitting at one of the tables staring at her as she went up the stairs. She found the books about the Old High School and the old newspapers. She started looking threw the books and newspapers. She found an article about the two girls that died and a picture of their families.

That's my mom. When she was in high school.

Sidney jumped and dropped the newspapers and book she was holding and turned in surprise to see Jason standing behind her.

Sorry I didn't mean to scary you. Jason apologized for scaring her and bent down to help her pick up the newspaper articles and book.

That's okay. You didn't scare me, just surprised me. Sidney said, while sitting on the floor gathering some of the newspapers together.

Jason sat down next to her and handed her the book and more of the newspapers, and pointed to one of the families picture in the article about the two girls that died.

That's my mom, she was my age when her sister died. She was murdered in the Old High School.

I'm sorry. Sidney said

It's not your fault, I never knew her. Jason said.

Do you know about it? Like what was her name? Sidney asked.

Yeah her name was Bridgette Smith. It tells you right here. Jason said while pointing at the name under the picture.

I'm trying to figure this out. Every time I ask my mom she freaks out and tells me to stay away from the Old High School. Sidney said

My mom told me all about it. She sometimes starts crying for no reason, but I know why she does already.

Wow that's really sad. Sidney said looking down.

Yeah I know. That other girl's name was Katherine Night. That's her family. Jason said pointing to a picture below the one of Bridgette Smith and her family.

Sidney looked at the other picture of the other family that also lost a loved one, and read the names under the picture.

Taylor Night? That's my mother, that's why she wouldn't tell me about it because it was her sister. Sidney said with surprise.

I can show you a picture of Katherine and Bridgette. Jason said. While he took the newspaper from Sidney and flips it over and points at the picture of two girls. He pointed at the blonde.

That's Katherine Night, you look almost just like her when I saw you go up the stairs, I thought you was her for a minute. Jason said.

She does almost look like me. Sidney said with shock.

Mom says I kind of look like Bridgette, I have the same color hair that she does. My mother told me a lot about Katherine too. She said she loved art and liked to draw. Jason said.

I love art.

Yeah she did too. Her and my mom was best friends including their sisters Bridgette and your mother Taylor.

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