Chapter 8 Deaths

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Mike never left Courtney's body when everyone else ran to find Jakob, and Sidney and Jason went upstairs and was supposed to be looking for Jakob. He stays there holding Courtney rocking back forth. Katherine walks up behind mike she goes to pull out the knife, he hears the sound of the blade as she pulls it out. Mike looks up and see's Bridgette coming towards him with her knife. He feels like someone is stand behind him, he turns and see's Katherine behind him with her knife out. He screams. Katherine grabs him by the hair and slits his throat.

Sidney and Jason see Katherine kill Mike, Riley and everyone else see it as well. Riley and the rest turn run back the way they came.

Katherine! Sidney screams trying to get her attention from the others.

Katherine turns and looks up the stairs at Sidney and Jason. Katherine pulls the knife out of Mikes throat.

Kill them! Eva whispers in Katherine's ear.

Sidney and Jason turn and start back up the stairs. Bridgette already disappeared. Katherine goes after them. When Sidney and Jason get back up the stairs they made it to one of the classrooms, before they could shut the door Katherine throws her knife and it almost takes Sidney's head off. Jason slams the door shut and locks it.

Oh my God! Are you alright? Jason asked.

Yeah. Sidney said.

She almost took your head off.

Yeah I know. Where is it?

It's over there. Jason said pointing to the wall the knife was stuck in.

They walk over to the knife and start looking at it. They find the clue. Sidney reads it out loud.

Deep in the school lies the head. Sidney read.

I bet that's in the basement. Jason says.

Yeah probably. What do we do with the knife? Sidney asked.

First lets get the clue off of it and leave it here. Jason said

We can't just leave it, Katherine will get it. Sidney said.

Yeah and if we take it with us she will come after us until she gets it back then kill us. Jason said.

You have a point. Sidney said finally agreeing.

We need to make it to the basement without getting killed. Jason said.


Jason pulls the knife out of the wall and takes it to the back of the classroom away from the door.

That should give us a little time. Jason said

Jason unlocks and slings the door open. they ran out of the classroom and towards the stairs they came up moments ago. They heard a scream and when they got to the stairs they found Kayla laying on the floor dead. She was stabbed to death.

Oh God! Sidney screamed.

They heard a door slam. Jason and Sidney both turned and looked it was the room they just ran out of where the knife was.

Run! Jason yelled.

They took off down the stairs when they where half way down the stairs they saw Bridgette was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for them, they turned around and went back up the stairs.

What about Katherine? Sidney asked trying to keep up with Jason.

Don't worry about her, first we need to get away from Bridgette. Jason said.

They ran into another classroom and found Jay laying on the teacher's desk dead. She was stabbed to death as well just like Kayla.

Oh shit! Jason yelled in shock.

They see a knife sticking out of her. They looked up and seen Katherine standing on the other side of Jay with a blank stare.

Lets get out of here! Jason yelled.

They run out the door and see Bridgette standing in the middle of the hallway coming towards them. They run down the stairs and into the gym. They find Tommy dead on the bleachers, he was torched to death. They ran and hid under the announcer's and score keeps table. They heard Katherine and Bridgette come by the door being slung open. They can see Bridgette walking on the bleachers, then see Katherine's feet. Sidney and Jason watch as Katherine stands there, they try to stay quite and hope she doesn't look under the table or hears them. Katherine begins to walk off.

Is she gone? Sidney mouthed the words to Jason trying not to give them away.

Jason starts shaking his head no, they can see Katherine walking on the bleachers with her knife out. He looks around and doesn't see Bridgette anywhere.

We don't know where Bridgette is, she might be on the other bleachers. Jason mouth back like Sidney did earlier.

They don't see Katherine on the bleachers anymore, then they hear the door slam. Sidney starts to get up, but Jason grabs and stops her. She turns and looks at Jason with a confused look.

We don't know if they are really gone. Jason whispers.

Jason peeks over the table and looks around, he doesn't see Katherine or Bridgette anywhere.

Okay, I think they are gone. Jason says.

Sidney and Jason get out from under the table, still looking around making sure they wasn't being watched.

Where do you think they went? Sidney asked.

I don't know. The stairs to the basement are not far from here, maybe if we run fast enough we can make it without getting killed. Jason said trying to come up with a plan.

Yeah, hopefully. Sidney agreed.

Ready? Jason asked.


They took off running for the door, when they got passed it they saw Katherine and Bridgette coming after them. They ran for the stairs that leads to the lunchroom and basement. They ran down the first flight of stairs. When they turned the corner they saw a body hanging by a rope around the neck.

Oh my God! Sidney screamed.

It's Riley! Jason yelled.

They saw the blood dripping off his body to the floor.

Come on! Jason yelled.

He grabs Sidney by the arm and pulls her off the stairs. They see Katherine and Bridgette coming down the stairs. Sidney falls and hits the floor, she turns and see's Katherine and Bridgette stab the body. Jason grabs Sidney and pulls her up off the floor and they start running again. They make it to the other side of the hall and ran into a room. Jason shuts the door and locks it.

I think this is the basement. Jason said.

I can't believe this is happening. Sidney said in shock.

It will be okay. We just need to find the head. Jason said trying to comfort her.

Yeah...then what? Sidney said frustrated.

Jason pulls out a book a old worn out book and starts flipping threw pages.

What's that? Sidney asked confused.

Eva's stepdad's journal. Jason said.

He pulls out another journal out that looks a lot better, but still looked very old.

And this is Eva's Journal.


Lets start looking.

Okay. Sidney agreed.

They started looking around the room. Finally they found the head, they had to use the key they found in the office.

I found it. Said Jason.

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