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Eva's Story

Back in the 1950s there was a girl named Eva, who went in the Old High School cause she didn't have anywhere else to go. She left her home cause her step-dad was evil. He would beat her if she didn't do what he told her to do. Her real dad is gone and her mom died two years ago, so her step-dad had cusity over her. It was raining when she went in she stayed there for two days until that last night when her step-dad found her, he went in the old high school and found where she was sleeping, he woke her up and drugged her down the stairs where the cafiateria was and took her to the back room, she tried to fight him but he was too strong for her. He killed her slowley and painfully. He made sure she was still a live while he cut her arms and legs off one at a time, she screamed for help but no one could hear her cries. He finally cut her head off, he buried her body outside and hid her head somewhere in the school so no one would find it. What he didn't know is he left clues to find it.

One night a year later after he killed her on Friday the 13th he had nightmare of her, he heard her screams. He found himself outside the school. He looked in one of the window and saw something staring at him, it was her. He turned and ran into the street and thats where he got hit by a big truck. He was killed instantly.

They say she wonders the halls in the school searching for her head, and she will kill anyone who stands in her way. So don't go in the Old High School if you want to live.

Bridgette Smith/Katherine Night

Back in 1970's two ordenary girls go into the Old High School on Friday 13th at night. They was dared to go in by their friends to stay the night to see if the story was true about the ghost. They heard the stories about the ghost but didn't believe it. Katherine Night and Bridgette Smith went in the old school but they never came out. Their friends waited outside in the car for them to come out. They heard their screams, but they didn't go in. They drove away in terror when they called the police.

The next morning the police went to the Old High School to search for Katherine and Bridgette but never found them. They found two bloody scences instead one was down stairs in the basement and the other was up stairs on the stair case. The one in the basement was Bridgette Smith blood with a blood trail of Katherine Nights running up the stairs down the hall and up the other stair case where the other blood scence was. But no bodys where found.

They say Katherine and Bridgette help Eva try to find her head and kill whoever she tells them too. Most people don't believe the story but whoever goes in the Old High School never comes back out.

Friday 13th Old High School Eva's RevenageWhere stories live. Discover now