Chapter 6 2nd Death

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They started to walk into the office and saw the pillows and blankets in a pile beside the nurses office door.

I thought we dropped them over here? Jason asked as he pointed to the bench that was right beside the door they just walked in.

I thought we did too. Sidney said confused.

Oh well, lets just not worry about it and get out of here. Jason said.

They walked over to the pile of pillows and blankets, and started to walk out of the office.

Do you have a feeling of being watched? Sidney asked.

Yeah, a little bit. Why? Jason asked.

They stopped walking and stood there for a few minutes. What they didn't know was Eva was watching them. No one can see her except a few people.

Lets get out of here. Jason says

Yeah lets go.

They both walked over to the pile of pillows and blankets, and started to gather them before walking out of the office. Sidney stopped and looked at Jason.

Do you have that feeling like your being watched? Sidney asked looking around.

Yeah... a little bit... Why? Jason asked looking at Sidney.

They stood there next to the doorway and looked around a minute but didn't see anything or anyone in the office with them.

Maybe it's nothing, maybe we are just paranoid. Lets get out of here before something does happen. Jason said feeling even more paranoid.

Yeah, right behind you. Sidney agreed.

They both leave the office and head back to the gym where the others are. Back in the office a very pale girl with black hair stood watching them leave until she disappeared into thin air. Sidney and Jason make it back to the gym with the pillows and blankets to give to the others. Courtney never came back after she stormed out earlier after her fight with Mike.

Courtney started running up the stairs when she turned the corner on the stairs she saw a dark figure with long blondish brown hair at the top of the stairs. Courtney stops and looks up at the figure standing at the top of the stairs with an angry expression on her face.

Oh really, You of all people I have to run into, like stealing my boyfriend isn't enough! Courtney yells at the figure thinking it's Sidney.

Courtney continues to walk up the stairs towards the figure yelling at them. While the figure stands there with a blank stare.

Oh what you to good to talk now!

You stole my boyfriend you fucking bitch!

I'm going to make your life a living hell! You fucking whore!

Courtney makes it to the top of the stairs where the dark figure stands, but she realized to late that the dark figure was not Sidney. The dark figure grabs Courtney by the throat before she could even scream.

Kill her! A voice whispers.

Courtney tries to scream but the dark figure has her by the throat. The dark figure then pushes Courtney down the concrete stairs. Courtney lets out a high pitch scream when she goes down, but the scream is cut short when she breaks her neck and lands in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. The dark figure stands and watches the scene as Courtney falls down, with a pale girl with long black hair standing behind her smiling before they both disappear.

What was that? Sidney asked.

Where is Courtney? Mike asked looking around the gym.

She never came back. Riley answered.

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