Chapter 9 The Chase

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Thank God. Sidney said relieved.

Now all we have to do is find her body. Jason said.

Oh God. Sidney said looking nervous, all the relief gone from her face.

That's the only way to end this. Jason said

But how are we going to get past Bridgette and Katherine? Sidney asked.

I don't know. Jason said.

Do you even know where the body is? Sidney asked.

I think it's somewhere in the woods or the beside the football field. I think if we read the stepdad's journal we can find it. Jason said.

I hope so. Sidney said.

They started reading threw his journal to find out where he hid Eva's body.

It's over in the woods by the football field. All we need to do is get past Katherine and Bridgette. Jason said.

And how are we going to do that? Sidney asked.

I guess sling the door open and run. Jason said.

We will get killed! Sidney yelled.

Well it's better than nothing. Jason said

True. Sidney agreed.

As soon as I kick the door open run and watch where you go, they could be anywhere and might try to cut your head off. Jason said.

Okay. Sidney agreed nervous

Jason kicks the door open and Sidney runs out the door with Jason right on her heels. They run past Riley's hanging body, up the stairs and out the side door that leads outside. Sidney looks behind her and doesn't see Katherine or Bridgette anywhere.

Look out! Jason yelled.

Sidney turns and see's Bridgette in front of her. Bridgette slings her knife trying to cut Sidney's head off but misses. Sidney continues to run as fast as she can with Jason right behind her.

You okay? Jason asks.

Yeah I think so... she almost cut my head off. Sidney said freaking out.

I know.

But where is Katherine? Sidney asked confused.

I don't know, that's what I'm worried about. Jason said.

She could be anywhere.

Yeah I know, but we are almost there.


I see shovels.

They ran to the woods where the shovels were. Jason handed one of the shovels to Sidney. They start digging. Sidney hears a noise and looks up seeing Katherine coming towards Jason with her knife out ready to strike.

Jason! Sidney screams.

Jason turns and looks up, he see's Katherine, he uses his shovel to block her shot so he doesn't gets stabbed with her knife.

Keep digging! Jason yells.

Jason starts fighting with Katherine using the shovel to block. Sidney keeps digging as fast as she can. Then Bridgette joins the fight.

Hurry Sidney! Jason yells

I'm trying! Sidney yells back.

I don't know how long I can keep this up! Jason yells.

Sidney keeps digging as fast as she can. Jason is still fighting both Katherine and Bridgette, trying to keep them distracted and away from Sidney. The fight was getting closer and closer to where Sidney was digging. Sidney finally found the headless body. Sidney climbs out of the grave looking for the bag.

Oh no. Sidney said.

She found the bag with the head in it. It was on the ground where Jason, Katherine, and Bridgette was fighting. Sidney stood there for a minute trying to figure out what to do.

How am I going to get to the head? She asked herself.

Sidney finally grabs her shovel and joined in the fight just so she could try to grab the bag. Soon the head was kicked and was away from the fight. Sidney went after it.

Jason what do I do with it? Sidney asked.

Put it on the body and bury it! Jason yells.

Katherine knocks Jason on his back and was about to kill him. Bridgette went after Sidney. Katherine had her knife pointed at Jason. Sidney grabbed the bag with the head in it and ran to the grave, Bridgette was behind her and was ready to kill her. Sidney put the skull on the body and starts filling the grave back up with dirt. Katherine drops Jason and puts her knife down. Bridgette puts her knife down as well, then Eva appears.

Thank you. I can now rest in peace. Eva said smiling then disappears.

Your welcome. Sidney whispers.

Katherine walks up to Sidney smiling. She hands Sidney her knife and steps back.

Thank you. Katherine says smiling.

Bridgette walks over to Jason and helps him up. She hands him her knife, he looks at her with shock but takes the knife.

Keep this, it's something to remember us by. Bridgette said smiling.

Bridgette walks over to where Katherine was . Sidney and Jason watch as they walked away and disappeared together. They stood there for awhile as the sun came up.

Thank God it's over! Sidney said excited.

I know, we did it! Jason yelled.

What are we going to do about the others? Sidney asked sad about what happened to the others.

I don't know, I guess we call the cops. Jason suggested.

Yeah. Sidney agreed.

I can't believe we solved this!

Me either. Sidney agreed.

The sun started coming up and it wasn't raining anymore. The legend about Eva and The Old High School was over.

The End.

A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to finish this book. I wrote this book along time ago back in high school and I wrote it as a script not a book, it took me a while to rewrite and reword it to make it sound more like a book then a script. I hope you all enjoy it. And please no mean comments. I'm sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or anything else.

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