Chapter 1 Friday 13th Morning

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Friday morning Sidney Spears gets up out of bed to start getting ready for school she walks across her bedroom to her bathroom to get ready when her mom walks in with a startled look on her face.

Sidney goes to her mom.

\What is it? Sidney asked.
I came to tell you to be careful its Friday 13th and you know that is a bad luck day.
OK mom I will.
I'll see you after school. And stay away from the Old High School
Sidney walks into her bathroom and starts getting ready, she goes back to her room and puts on jeans and a black shirt with tinish shoes. She heads down stairs and walks out the front door to her car. When she gets to her school she waits for her friend Loren. When Loren pulls up Sidney gets out of her car to go meet Loren
Hey Loren
Hey Sidney. I'll be happy when the weekend is here. Thank god it's Friday.
Sidney: bad it's Friday 13th
Whats so bad about that?
My mom is driving me crazy, she does this every Friday 13th.
I don't know, I think it has something to do with this girl that went in the old high school and die on Friday 13th.
Oh I heard about that it was two girls that went in there and died on Friday 13th.
They started walking toward the school talking about what happened to the girls who went in the Old High School.
How did they die?
No one knows. The cops said they was murdered cause they found two blood scences, but no one really knows how they died.
Wow!...I've never heard about this, how did you know all about this?
Loren turns and looks at Sidney with shock all over her face. She takes a few minutes to speak.
How do you not know about this? Its been in the news forever and in the newspapers.
I've heard a little about it. But everytime I would ask mom she would freak out and not answer my questions.
Well maybe she's hiding something.
Yeah probably cause everytime I would ask what happened in the old high school she would just look at me and start yelling at me saying why do you want to know that for it's nothing to worry about. It's just about to girls that got killed by someone!
Yeah I know, and she does that everytime I ask about it, and every Friday 13th she comes into my room to tell me to be careful and to stay away from the old high school.
Wow that's weird. Well we better get to class.
The two girls started to walk to there first period class. Then there second , then third. At lunch they went to the football field to eat and talk about it. They passed the football players and cheerleaders, when they heard one of the football players yell at them. It was Mike James the star quarterback.
Hey girls. Said Mike.
Sidney and Loren turn to look at him to see what he wants. He walks up to them to ask them a question.
Hey girls do y'all wanna hang out with us?
Yeah sure
So whats your name? ( He says to Sidney)
Sidney starts to answer but Loren cuts her off and answers for her.
Thats Sidney, and Im Loren.
Mike turns to look at her with a what the hell look on his face, Sidney also turns to look at her friend with the same look and a I can answer for myself.
Oh well nice to meet y'all. Do y'all wanna hang out with us tonight, alot of us are going to hang out tonight.
Oh I can't I have to work. said Loren.
Oh that's to bad, so what about you? Asked Mike.
He turns to look at Sidney to see if she wanted to go. She just looked at him surprised by the star quarterback was asking her to hang out with him and the rest of the popular kids.
So do you want too?
Yeah sure that would be great.
Cool....So what time do you want me to come pick you up?
That's ok I can meet you somewhere and you can pick me up there.
Ok that works. I'll text you where, or you can text me and tell me.
So why don't y'all come eat with us and hang out.
Oh thats o...
We would love too. Said Loren cutting off Sidney.
They walked back to the group sitting at the tables. Sidney noticed one boy who was different then the rest, he wasn't wearing a football or basketball jersey and she knew he wasn't a cheerleader, he had a black t-shirt on that said Aerosmith blue jeans and he had jet black hair with piercing blue eyes.
Hey guys this is Sidney and Loren, Sidney is going to hang with us tonight. Mike told the group.
The group looked up most of the guys spoke and smiled, but none of the cheerleaders said anything, they just sat there most just looked at Mike but some just sat there and gave Sidney and Loren evil glares
That's cool. Said most of the guys.
Sidney noticed the jet black headed boy didn't say anything or even looked up at them like everyone else. He kelp his head down and wrote in his note book. She sat down in front of him but he still never looked up, so she just ignored him. Mike started to introduce everyone to them.
This is Courtney King (he pointed to the blonde in the pink shirt) she is the head cheerleader.
Sidney and Loren both looked at her, she was very beautiful, she was tall skinny with blue eyes and long blonde hair. But she was giving them a evil glare.
This is Kayla King, Courtney's sister they are twins (he pointed to another blonde but with a blue shirt, but she had green eyes instead of blue.)
Sidney and Loren turned to look at her, she was very beautiful like her twin sister Courtney. But instead of getting an evil glare she smiled at them.
Nice to meet you. Said Kayla.
Nice to meet you too. Both Sidney and Loren said together.
Mike started to introduce them to the rest of the group.

This is Riley Thomas, he's the runner back. Mike said. pointing to a skinny blonde headed boy with surfer hair and blue eyes.

They both turned to look at the runner back and say hello but he wasn't paying attention, he had his full attention on a beautiful black headed girl.

That's Tommy Nunley. Mike said. Pointing to another football player with black hair. That's Jakob Jones, another football player with black hair, that's Bella Jones, Jakob's sister. She's a cheerleader. Like her brother she also had black hair. That's Jay Thomas, she's Riley's sister and she's on the basketball team. Pointing to a dark brown haired girl in a basketball jersey. Mike said going down the line to introduce everyone.

She wasn't paying attention either when Mike said her name. She was in a deep conversation with Jakob and Tommy.

Oh and that's Jason Kyles. He doesn't play any sports or anything like that, he likes to write music and plays the guitar. Mike said. Pointing to the guy Sidney saw earlier when she sat down in front of him.

Jason wasn't paying attention either when Mike said his name. He was still writing in his notebook. Sidney was wondering what he was writing that was so important, she assumed it was a song.

Hey Mike what are you doing tonight? Riley asked

I guess go party. Mike answered.

Sweet! So where is it going to be this time? Riley asked.

I don't know man.

Hey why don't we have it in the woods? Riley asked.

It's suppose to rain tonight. Mike said.

Yeah and I'm not getting my hair wet! Courtney yelled across the table in disgust.

Calm down Court it was just a suggestion, god no reason to be a bitch about it. Riley said.

I'm not being a bitch about it! Courtney yelled.

Courtney had that annoying way about her like most popular cheerleaders have. You know the type the mean rude girl that only cares about herself, hair and make up, and close friends. Sidney thought to herself.

Yes you are cause if you wasn't you didn't have to use a smartass attituded. Riley said, starting to get annoyed with her.

Okay, y'all that's enough! Mike said. Also getting annoyed with it.

So where are we going to do this? Riley asked.

How about we go to that place outside of town. It's like ten or fifteen miles away from the Old Scary High School. Mike said.

Okay cool, that sounds good to me. Riley said.

How about y'all, does that sound good? Mike asked everyone.

Everyone looked up at Mike, including Jason. Everyone shook their heads yes and went back to doing what they was doing before.

Sounds good to me. Well I'll catch y'all later. I got to go do some stuff so I'll see you guys tonight. Jason said getting up started walking back towards the school.

Okay man see you later. Mike said

Everyone else was still deep in their conversations not paying any attention as Jason got up to leave. Sidney was talking to Loren when she got up to leave as well.

Hey I'm going to go to the Library. Sidney said to Loren.

Why? Loren asked. Looking disgusted as usual.

I'm going to do some research. Sidney answered.

On what? Loren asked looking annoyed.

I want to know more about the Old High School and Kathrine Night and Bridgette Smith. Sidney said

Oh well good luck with that. Loren said sarcastically.

Yeah. Thanks. Sidney said as she walked back towards the school. Sidney knew how Loren was about stuff and most of the time she just let whatever she says go, but sometimes she wonders why she was friends with her. They most of the time have nothing in common.

Friday 13th Old High School Eva's RevenageWhere stories live. Discover now