Chapter 4 Car Trouble

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They where about to pass the Old High School when something went wrong. The car started to slow down and smoke was coming out of the hood. Mike slowed down and pulled in the parking lot in front of the school.

Why are we stopping? Jakob asked.

I don't know something is wrong with the car. It started slowing down and there is smoke coming out of the front under the hood, so I had to get it off the highway. Mike said.

What's going on, why are we stopping? Bella asked.

There is something wrong with the car. Jakob said.

What's wrong with it? Bella asked.

We don't know, we are going to find out. Mike said.

Mike and Jakob both get out of the car. Mike pops the hood and opens it. Jakob gets his phone out and turns the flashlight on so they could see what's wrong.

It's hard to see with all of this rain poring down like this. Jakob said loud enough so Mike could hear him.

Yeah I know. Mike yelled back.

It looks like it needs an oil change and the batteries are dead.

I'm going to try and start it.


Mike walks back to the drivers side and opens the door and tries to start the car back up. But the car won't even turn over.

I guess we are stuck here....I can't get any service to call anyone to come help and we are to far to walk to town. Mike said.

So what are we going to do? Jakob asked.

Hey there is a light up there in the school, maybe we can stay in there till the rain stops? Mike asked.

But the rain will last all night and it's supposed to get worse and what about the ghost? Jakob asked.

Well we can't stay out here all night, we all can't sleep in the blazer there is not enough room and we can't walk back. Would you rather stay out here and freeze or go in out of the rain? Mike asked.

Yeah you do have a point. But what about the ghost? Jakob asked.

There is no such thing as ghost. Mike said.

But what about them girls who went in there and never came out. What happened to them? Jakob asked.

Jakob that happened along time ago, and they was murdered by a serial killer. Mike said starting to get annoyed.

Okay if you say so.... Jakob said

Well lets go tell the others. Mike said.

Okay. Jakob said.

They both walked back to the car and got in, they told the others about what's going on with the car and that they couldn't go anywhere, and because of the rain they couldn't stay in the car all night.

Why can't we stay in the car? Courtney asked.

Because there to many people and we all can't lay down and we will freeze to death out here. Mike said getting frustrated even more.

Well you can just turn the heat on. Courtney said clearly not understanding the problem.

No I can't the batteries are dead the car won't even start. So it will start getting cold in here later on.

So what are we going to do?! Courtney asked starting to panic.

We are going to have to go in the Old High School. I saw a light on in there on the second floor. Mike said.

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