Chapter- 27

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This Sea Dragon was not actually a sea creature. It was an ancient species. This little monster had unintentionally arrived at the Phoenix mountain through the river that connected underground lake in Qishan, the place where Wen sect used to live.

It was about a month ago when it had mistakenly swimed his way out of that dark dungeon. At the end of the day it was still a baby, and as a matter of fact it wasn't aware of the world outside.

When it was floating on the surface of river that is located at the back of Phoenix mountain, Sangze had come for a night hunt alone.

At first, she thought of it as a first class prey. But when she attacked it and pierced its flesh with an arrow, that poor Sea Dragon only howled in pain and hid deep inside the river.

Well, the river wasn't deep enough. And the blood oozing out of it's flesh was contaminating the water.

Sangze was suspicious. From the looks, the monster in front of her should've been aggressive and attack at her right when it saw her. And if not, at least now it should've attacked her with full killing intent. But no, it just hid itself in the depths of a minor river that couldn't even hid it properly and cry like a baby.

She swam towards it. The baby monster was scared out of its wits when it saw her coming towards itself. It swam in a significant speed.

But as it was swimming the speed created many air bubble due to the tension in water. Those bubble blinded its eyes because of which it didn't notice there was a huge rock ahead in his way.

And BANG! It crashed with the hard rock head on that made it's forehead swollen. Right then Sanze who was tailing it was finally able to catch it. That poor baby monster was panicking as now it was caught by someone who had hurt it.

It tried it's best to free itself but to no avail. Sangze escorted the creature to the shore. Strangely that creature didn't even try to hurt her and only tried to flee.

"In that case, it wouldn't hurt anyone." Sangze said while looking at the so called Sea Dragon who was shivering.

He reached her hand to its forehead. That Sea Dragon tightly shut it's eyes as if accepting it was his end. But to that little Sea Dragon's expection, something highly unexpected happened.

Sangze patted him.

She patted the place where he had crashed with a solid rock few moments ago.

Only then did it calm down a bit from before. She pulled out the arrow that was still struck on the flesh of Sea Dragon and applied medicine.

"Sorry for earlier." She softly said while applying the herbal medicine that she had brought with her.

"Well you won't hurt anyone right?"

As if understanding her language that little Sea Dragon nodded.

"When will you return to your home?"

That little Sea Dragon tilted it's head in perplex. It had yet to know what home is called. It only knew that there was a place in dark where he lived with someone who looked like him but taller and more ferocious. Though the bigger version of himself was dangerous, at the same time it was gentle.

She would always give him the meat that she had hunted him first to eat and as much as he wanted. She would always provide him warmth during winters by gently wrapping her tail around him but being careful not to touch him with the tip as it was poisonous.

But also she would never allow him to go out of the underground water dungeon.

The little Sea Dragon was bored to death by spending two year of it's life in that dark place so it had decided by itself to secretly escape. Only in it's fifth try did it succeed to escape without getting caught.

"What should be your name then?" Sangze thoughtfully said.

That little Sea Dragon unblinkingly looked at her.

"Okay!" She suddenly jumped scaring the shit out of the little Sea Dragon, "You're a boy right? Then I'll call you Raku. No reason behind it." She grinned, "This name just came in my mind."

After that day, she would repeatedly visit it. Until one day when the two Jin disciple were curious or maybe suspicious why would a person repeatedly come to night hunt. Won't they need to rest? Or was there a number one shot that she wasn't able to catch yet?

This time they decided among themselves to find what it was. After Sangze left the mountain, the two of them flew on their swords.

When they reached the back of Phoenix Mountain there eyes widened in surprise.

Those whiskers, those scales, that poisonous tip and sharp fangs. Even though they didn't know the name of the creature, they sure knew that it was a top notch monster, so why not catch it.

They both nodded among themselves in mutual understanding. Both them brought the index and middle finger of their right hand near their mouth.

"Sword Formation."

The little Sea Dragon who was only enjoying himself after his only friend Sangze left didn't had any idea what was going on.

It only saw a cage formed with spiritual energy suddenly surrounded it from all sides. He tried to escape but the more he tried the binding of the cage became more stronger.

It cried and howled. All his attempts was nothing but useless.

The two disciples smoothly landed on the ground and maliciously looked at the creature.

"What should be the price for it?" One of them asked.

"1000 golds maybe." The other shrugged.

"Only 100?" The disciple who had asked earlier frowned, "I thought atleast 10,000."

"Not bad." The other disciple nodded.

"Well how about zero?"

Both of them were shocked to listen the voice of a third party. They turned back only to find Sangze and her expression was as calm as wind that was blowing.

"Let it go." She said.

"We know that you're our senior. But it doesn't mean that you can just order us around." One of them said.

"Also we know your intention." The other one said.

"Huh?" Sangze was confused, "What intention?"

"You want to keep this creature for yourself right. And when it grows up you'll sell it for higher price- ACK?!!"


Sangze was furious. She was so angry that she blasted her spriritual energy at them. The juniors talking so ill about someone on their own. Not to mention they were the disciples of same sect.

"Let Raku go." She said.

The two disciples knew that if it was one on one thay would surely loose. But this time it was two on one. They had a chance of winning. They dared to challenge their fate, "And what if we don't?"

"Well..." Sangze said, voice laced with icy coldness, "Then I'll have to kill you."

This chapter must be kind of boring for some ppl right...sorry for that ☞☜
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