Chapter- 28

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"And killed them?"

Jin Ling asked, his voice laced with icy coldness, sitting in front of Sangze.

"I had warned them" Sangze said, "I told them not to hurt the Sea Dragon. It won't cause any trouble. But they didn't listen. So... I... had to..."

Jin Ling arched his eye brows up, "You could've report the issue to me."

"This disciple apologizes for her action. But I didn't want to inform anyone else about Raku."

"Then you would've made him live in that small lake for life?" Jin Ling coldly asked.

Sangze slowly shook her head, "No, this disciple has already searched for it's orientation and have planned to get him back to his home through water route."

Jin Ling nodded, "Even though you have good intention, others won't see that but the killing you've done."

Sangze seemed to have sighed, "I know. I'm ready for my punishment. But...could Sect Leader promise me one thing?"


"Please make Raku reach his home safely."

Jin Ling lightly inhaled and exhaled before saying, "A gentleman keeps his promise. Be rest assured."


Later she was escorted back to prison. She heard the people who once used to be her colleagues and said that they admired her whispering at her back. She didn't bother about them. Why would she even? At the end no one cares. And she didn't care if anyone cared.

Jin Ling knew that the disciples wouldn't acknowledge the order to escort the Sea Dragon back. He went to the spiritual dungeon to check on the Sea Dragon.

"Sect Leader" The disciples guarding the dungeon greeted him. He nodded in response and walked in.

The Sea Dragon was lying helplessly on ground drained of his spritual energy. Jin Ling frowned when he saw the condition.

He tilted his head back to ask a disciples, "I gave the order to suppress it's spiritual energy. You seem to have drained it's energy."

The disciple replied, "Replying to Sect Leader, this Sea Dragon was very restless which made suppressing his energy difficult for us. Hence, we weren't left with any choice but to drain his energy."

"And then?" Jin Ling cocked one of his eyebrows.

"Then..." The disciple was confused.

"Where did you store the energy? Or..." Jin Ling coldly glared the disciple, "Did you people have already absorb the energy?"

The disciple's hands unnoticeably started shaking, but Jin Ling's eyes were sharp. Then he looked at other disciples present there. Everyone started diverting their eyes here and there so that they won't have to make an eye contact with him.

One, two, three... ten, eleven. Total eleven disciples huh. It must have been hard for this poor Sea Dragon.

Jin Ling took out a qiqan pouch from his sleeves. In next moment the Sea Dragon was sucked in it.

"I'll take it somewhere else. In mean time" He made an eye contact with the disciple whose hands were shivering, "You people will kneel in Ancestoral Hall and reflect upon your mistake."

All the disciples stood in upright position at once, "YES SECT LEADER!" Only after Jin Ling left, they loosened and sighed in relief.

He headed towards the backyard where Shizui and Jinyi were sitting. He still felt embarrassed to go in front of Shizui for some reason. He cleared his throat and slapped himself in both cheeks and tried to be as calm as possible. Little did he know that someone had already reached him.


Jin Ling was startled, the hair on his back stood straight as he looked back to see who it was.

"Why did you just now slapped yourself?"


"What?" Jingyi innocently said, "You're turning into a cherry" He squinted his eyes as his lips curved upwards, "You know Shizui likes cherry."

At the moment Jin Ling was growing redder, his head was about to burst with blood, "What do you mean?!"

"You're having such a strong reaction by only hearing his name. What would happen if he was here?" Jingyi said while thinking deep.

Suddenly a hand tapped Jin Ling's shoulder. He was already red and furious. He aggressively tilted his head back to look at the person who dared to touch him only to meet with-

"Hello A-Ling"

Jin Ling's legs went weak and he saw the earth rotating.

And then,

He fainted.

"Wake up you bastard!"

"Be a little low Jingyi."

"He'll not wake up then."

"How did he faint? Did you hit him?"

"I didn't! How can you be so dumb! Its you who made him faint."

"Huh?! But I didn't hit him."

Jingyi face palmed himself. He had never expected the number one Lan disciple to be so novice when it came to his love life.

He sighed and said, "I still can't believe."

"Hmm?" Shizui responded.

Jingyi pointed at Jin Ling was nicely laying on Shizui's lap, "He said yes to you. How did you proposed him? You did as I said?"

"Haii?! What kind of question is that?" Shizui hurriedly said.

"Well I said it, if you work my way it'll work." Jingyi said as he crossed his arms and nodded to himself.

".....I guess."

I didn't wanted the chapter to be so serious. So i added a bit of fluff to it

Today, 26 January is celebrated as Republic Day in India. So, we got a holiday and i dedicated this holiday in writing two chapters of this story :'))

Thankyou for reading! I hope you've a clear skin ฅ'ω'
Have a nice day <3

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