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Jenna was sitting at the bathtub in one of the suites on the hotel that Adriane works in. she was crying and thinking about her life. Her mind drifted to her sister. She didn’t really hate her sister but she envied her. Adriane always spoke her mind and nobody dared to bully her or make her do things she didn’t want to.

She tried standing up from the bathtub because the water was getting cold but it proved to be a difficult task because her body was sore and aching. She didn’t know why she was still with his boyfriend who beat her up most of the time. But she did know that she wanted stability and her boyfriend spoiled her but mostly after he had beat her up.

She got out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her body. She looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She has a blue eye, scratches and whatever wounds you can think of in her body. She sighed wiping her hears and went to the bedroom. She put on her tracksuits with fluffy socks and went to make hot chocolate in the kitchen.

She sat in the lounge drinking and just staring into space. Within a few minutes, the suite door opened and her boyfriend made his way in looking very drunk. She sighed because she knew that he was about to start argument which will lead to him beating her up.

“You look beautiful honey.” He said sitting next to her.

“I want you to do something very small for me. I want you to go to your sister’s safe in her office and steal her money and give it to me. In that way I can buy you that beautiful bag you have always wanted.” He said smiling. Jenna knew that she would never cross her sister because Adriane would really kill her. She doesn’t play when it comes to money. She gave him the first response that came to her mind.

“She doesn’t keep cash in the safe that is in her office. She is too smart for that.” he back slapped her and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“You are useless. I should’ve dated your sister because maybe I would be somewhere in life rather than being here and being poor with your useless flat ass.” Jenna sniffed and wiped her tears.

“You have 30 seconds to leave this suite alive coward.” Adriane said standing at the door way.

“Ahh the rich sister. Come here. Maybe you will fulfil my needs unlike your useless stupid sister.” Jenna’s boyfriend said standing up and making his way to Adriane. Adriane raised her gun and shot him 3 times on the chest. He fell down and there was silence in the room. She took out her phone and sent a message to her contact to come and take out this trash.

“Come, I will drop you off at the medic warehouse.” Jenna sat there not moving, still shocked about the scene before her. Adriane huffed and went to her. She pulled her up and together they made their way out of the hotel using a secret exit.

They got into her bike and she drive off. She arrived at the medic warehouse gate but she didn’t get off the bike.

“Go inside. They know you so they will help you without asking any questions.” Jenna got off the bike and Adriane drove off in speed.

“Thank you baby sis.” She said in a whisper. She then went inside and the guards let her in without a hassle. When the nurses saw her, they quickly came with a stretcher and took her into one of the yards and started treating her.

Adriane sent a text to Thabile about Jenna’s whereabouts and the reason why she is there. She then switched off her cellphone and continued with her mission.
Salizwa, Seipati and Sange made their way inside the medic warehouse. One of the doctors informed them that Adriane’s sister was admitted. They went straight to Jenna’s ward and found her eating while watching the TV. They entered the ward and sat on the couches. Jenna looked at them and the turned to look at the TV again.

“Where is she?” asked Seipati. Jenna shrugged.

“I don’t know. She just showed up in my suite, killed my boyfriend and dropped me off her. She only said two sentences to me. She left soon after dropping me.” Sange sighed and looked up the ceiling as if searching for answers.

“Why did she kill your boyfriend?” Seipati asked again. The other two were not even interested in Jenna, they just wanted to know Adriane’s whereabouts.

“He was abusing me emotionally and physically and sometimes sexually. I guess Adriane found out. He was just telling me that I must steal money from Adriane which is kept in the safe. I told him that she doesn’t keep the money in her office. He said I was useless and started hitting me again.” She said sniffing.

Seipati went to her and hugged her. She started sobbing. Salizwa stood up and headed out because she despises tears.

“You are going to be fine. He is dead now. He can’t harm you.” Seipati said comforting him. Thabisa and Thabile made their way in the yard followed by Nkateko. Seipati broke the hug. They all exchanged greetings and Sange and Seipati headed out.

“Baby are you okay?” Thabisa asked hugging her.
“I am fine ma. All thanks to Adriane.”
“What are you talking about?” Thabile asked sitting down.
“She saved my life. I am forever indebted to her.”

“How did she save your life? Were you in trouble?” Nkateko asked while sitting next to her and side hugging her.
“I was dating this other guy who was abusive. He nearly killed me but Adriane got there in time and killed him.”

“By abusive, what do you mean?” Thabisa asked frowning.
“Emotionally, physically and sexually.” Nkateko stood up pacing up and down.

“Why would you stay with someone like that? Are you crazy Jenna? What if he killed you and buried you where we wouldn’t find you? How could you have not told anyone about this?” Nkateko shouted.

“Calm down Mdunge. It’s fine now. Everything will be okay.” Thabisa said calming him down while brushing his chest. Nkateko chuckled.
“That’s not going to work.” He said.
“Really now?” she asked with a smirk while looking at him. He laughed.

“Are you seriously going to be all lovey-dovey in my presence? Like really?” Thabile asked. Jenna just chuckled shaking her head.

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