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The Italian family left two weeks ago. They promised to visit us next time but they also made us promise to visit them. Liam got along with Cole and my father. They were like three musketeers. Ana had this crazy relationship with Jenna, but it’s good to know that they weren’t gossiping about anybody, just bonding nje. Clara was also close with Anathi. Anathi even took him clubbing at Club Classic. Most of her fans went crazy, the guards were forced to protect her.

She is really doing well for herself. A week ago she was in Miami. She is a model for Victoria’s Lingerie. She also take some gigs on the outside. She has appeared on London fashion week. I am very proud of her. Even though it will take her a decade or so to reach my level of wealth, she will get there. I believe in her.

I am sitting at the warehouse just sipping on whiskey. I am not back on alcohol fully but I missed whiskey so excuse me guys. Sange gets in my office while typing something on her tablet. She has this frown on her face, like something is wrong. She places the iPad on the table and take my laptop. She types for a few minutes and I keep quiet because I know better than to disturb her.

“Something is not right.” She finally says. I sit up straight and give her my undivided attention.
“What is it?”
“I have lost Silungile. I can’t find him. His tracker has just been disabled.” I put the glass on the table and stand up quickly.

“I am sorry what?”
“I think he has been kidnapped.”
“Fuck. This is not happening.”

I head to my library which leads to my secret computer room. I go to the folder where the second trackers are tracked at. They are not visible. They are micro and they emerge with the human cells. They are harmless. I inject them with an injection. I press a few buttons and I get Silu’s location. But his tracker is flashing orange, meaning he is harmed.

Blue or green means you are alive, well and unarmed. Pink or orange means you are injured and in danger. Red means that you are in a critical condition and black simply means you are dead. I am relieved that Silu is still alive. But my problem is that he already knows who I am and I am screwed because he is going to be so mad at me. I hope he forgives me because I can’t live without him.

I quickly send his exact location to Sange’s iPad. I then lock my secret room and then head back to my office.
“First we have to find out who took him and why. We can’t go in there without full knowledge of what we are up against.” I say to my crew who are pacing up and down.

“I am waiting on Muriel to send me a footage of his last seen place. Maybe we can see who kidnapped him and take it from there.” Sange says.
“Clearly that person is undermining you and doesn’t know who you are.” Salizwa says.
“I think they know who exactly you are and this is personal.” Seipati says.

“Disable all the trackers and change the codes. They must have figured out about his first tracker and they may have your exact location as we speak.”
“On it boss.” Salizwa says typing on her laptop. Kamva and Muriel make their way in my office.

“Kamva delete the old codes and create new ones. There must be a reason why Silu was taken and we were not aware of it up until the last minute. Someone knows about his first tracker. Our system is not easy to override.”
“Sure boss.” He says while getting busy on his laptop.
“I have the exact location where they are keeping him. It’s an abandoned warehouse just outside Meadowlands.” Sange says. At lease I have one less thing to worry about.

“It’s the Mozambicans boss. They are now paid by Bo’s mistress, Shreya Alichi. He left her with nothing so this is her revenge. She wants you to sign over all your assets to her. She has about 20 men inside the building and 15 surrounding the area.” Muriel says.
“What do we know about this Shreya?”
“She is 27 years old. Have a 9 year old son with Bo. She lives with both her parents. Also she is bipolar.” Seipati says.

“Get our men in Mozambique to snatch them now, not tomorrow. I am going to make her regret coming to South Africa.”
“Yes boss.” She takes out her phone and goes outside talking to someone.
“Is there an inside person this time around?”
“Not that we know of boss. Are we going to Meadowlands now?” Kamva asks.

“No. we are going to make our move as soon as we get our hands on Shreya’s family.” I say and take my phone and car keys. “You guys have an hour to get everything in order. I am headed home, I will come back in a few.”

I drive to my house and don’t even kill the engine when I climb out. I run to my room and get dressed in my bulletproofed bodysuit. I wear black tracksuits on top and wear black sneakers. I take the backpack which is full of my weapons and load a whole more. Gran makes her way to my room.
“What is it honey? The maids tell me that you were running to your room looking in distress.”

“Someone has Silu gogo. It’s Bo’s mistress. She wants me to sign over my assets to her. It’s her way of revenge. I have to save him gogo. I know that woman will fill his mind with venom and he won’t look at me the same affectionate way as he did before but I have to save him.” I say speaking so quickly, I can hardly hear myself. As much as I know I am going to rescue him, I am scared for his life. What if they beat him to a pulp? Or stab him? Or even shoot him?

“You are going to fuck up Mzukulu. You are going to make mistakes if you are this nervous. Sit down, I am going to give you something to drink.” I nod and sit down. She leaves and comes back with a cup. “Drink this. It will help you calm down and think straight.” I drink the water and I feel myself calming down instantly.

“I am going to kill them all gogo and no one is going to live to tell the tale.”
“Kill them all Empress.”

I stand up, take my bags and head out. I drive back to the warehouse and find everyone looking ready for battle. I head to my office and find my crew pacing up and down.

“What’s new?”
“They have got Shreya’s family and they are already at the warehouse.” Seipati responds.

“Any message from Shreya?”
“Not yet. I think she thinks you haven’t discovered that Silu is missing.” Salizwa says.
“Let’s go. She has lived a very long life. It’s time for her to go back to where she came from.” I say taking my iPad.

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