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“Hai cinque secondi per dirmi chi cazzo sei prima di soffiare il tuo cervello. (You have 5 seconds to tell me who the fuck you are before I blow your brains.)”

The man who looks exactly like pa smiles. Beast picks up gran from the floor and go place her on the vacant couch in the lounge. Thabisa is still shocked beside me. This man looks unshaken by the fact that I have a gun pointed directly at him.

“Nonno che sono queste persone e cosa sta succedendo? (Grandfather who are these people and what is going on?)” Says a young girl who looks like she is about 7 years old. I quickly put my gun on my waist but my eyes doesn’t leave the eyes of the imposter in front of me.

“SPIEGARE! (EXPLAIN!)” I shout and he flinches.
“How about we all go sit down then I explain myself?” I huff and go sit at a vacant couch. Thabisa sits next to me. Her whole body is shaking.

“LEON!” He comes quickly to the lounge.
“Prendi la mia madre acqua con zucchero. (Get my mother water with sugar.)” He rushes to the kitchen and comes back with the sugared water. He hands it to me and I help mother drink because I am sure she won’t be able to hold the glass. “Parla vecchia. (Talk old man.)”

“You are exactly as he said you will be like.”
“Tyler. I am Tyrene by the way. His twin brother.”

“He said he doesn’t have a relationship with his twin. They parted ways long ago. Why would you live in your twin’s house whereas you guys didn’t see eye to eye?” mother says. She seems to have calmed down. Ty did tell us about his twin but he said exactly what mother is saying.

“We did have our disagreements but we reconciled a few years back. He knew that you would get like this when you finally see me. I have been wanting to come to South Africa but I know he created a name for himself there. If I were to go there, people will mistake me for him and they would say I faked my own death.”

“Why are you living in his house though?” I ask. I still don’t trust him.
“I have had financial problems so I moved here but everything is back to normal now. I know you don’t trust me. I have a video though. I think it might shed some light.”

“Beast get me a glass of water.” He rushes to the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water. I pour a small part of it on her face. She gasps and wakes up. She sits up straight.
“I just have the weirdest dream ever.” She looks around the room. “Oww shit it wasn’t a dream.” She huffs. “I guess you are Ty’s ugly twin brother Neh.” She smirks.

“If I am ugly that means your husband was also ugly.” He says with a smug on his face.
“Can someone just explain what’s going on here?” says a woman who looks like she is in her late forties.

By the way, we found 5 people in the lounge. One older woman, a lady in her twenties, a guy in his early thirties and two kids. They all look like Tyrene’s descendants. Even the older woman looks like his daughter. I wonder where his wife is.

“Darling this is Thabile, Ty’s wife; Thabisa, Ty’s daughter and Adriane, Ty’s granddaughter. The others are Adriane’s employees. And ladies this is Anastasia and Liam, my kids and this is Clara, Ryan and Lalia, my grandkids.” Tyrone does the introductions.

“You are too old that other ladies don’t look your way? Where is the wife?” I have a feeling gran and Tyrone has some beef and I wish to know what the reason is for it.

“I am a divorcee and my kids stay with me. My ex-wife is staying with her other two grandchildren. My daughter in law also lives here. Anastasia is going through a separation with her husband and Clara is in between relationships.”

“Like a true Thompson.” Mother says and we all laugh. At least the ice has been broken.

“I will go freshen up and maybe you can show me the video afterwards.” I stand up and head to my room.
I showered and took a nap when I got to my room. I wake up after two hours and go wash my face after washing my mouth with a mouth wash. I moisturize my face and head back to my room. I find Salizwa sitting in my bed typing something in her laptop. She is wearing all black which can only mean one thing, we are headed to the meeting with the familia. I go to my closet and get dressed in black leather pants, turtleneck, boots and trench coat. I return to my room and she looks at me smiling.

“We are supposed to meet the familia in two hours, so we will go eat dinner and then head to the Capo’s house.” I nod and we head out. Leon tells us that mother and gran are at the study and they have asked for my presence. I head there while Salizwa heads to the lounge. I find them sitting and drinking wine while Tyrone is drinking whiskey.

“You look like you are headed somewhere.” Tyrone says when he sees me entering the study. I just roll my eyes and go sit at a vacant chair. He stands up and opens the TV on his study. The twins appear and Ty automatically smiles. I know it’s him because of the scar in his neck.

“I know you are angry at me baby and I am pretty sure you pulled a gun on this idiot.” He chuckles and I just giggle. “I am sorry for not introducing you to Tyrone when I was still alive. It’s just that he was a non-factor.” He face becomes serious. “MaMhlanga,” he says in a funny accent. Gran’s maiden surname is Mhlanga. “I know you two don’t see eye to eye and I am pretty sure you have been at each other’s throat ever since you have reconciled. I love you.” Tyrone rolls his eyes. “Stop with the jealousy, it doesn’t suit you.”

“Whatever.” Tyrone replies.

“Thabisa if you are watching this video, just know that I love you so much and don’t settle for less. If that Zulu man isn’t treating you well, leave him. You are my princess and you deserve so much better.” Mother sobs and gran comforts her. “Adriane, Q has something that he needs to give you. Don’t rush hi and don’t go confronting him. He will give you when the time is right. I love you all so much and pass my regards to my other grandchildren.” The video ends and I quickly wipe a tear that has fallen down my cheeks.

We are sitting around the table in the dining room. The daughter in law has come back from work. She is a pediatrician and she has her own practice. She is married to Liam and their daughter is Lalia. Liam is also a mechanic like Nkateko, he also owns a car dealership. Anastasia is a retired midwife while Clara is a model. I am not surprised though because most Thompson women have those petite bodies and they are fit for being models. Even mother has that body. I also inherited it.

“Since you guys are family, it’s only fair that we invite you to Adriane’s engagement party which is in two weeks.” Gran says.
“We are going to South Africa grandpa?” Lalia asks with a beautiful smile plastered on her face. Tyrone looks at gran first and then he answers.

“Yes darling, we are going to South Africa.”
“I can’t wait.” She stands up and runs up and down the dining hall. Ryan also joins her and they make so much noise. Mother just laughs and looks at gran.

“They remind me of Adriane and Anathi when they were young.” I chuckle.
“I was never as active as they are when I was young.” I defend myself.

“Clara has always been close with her grandfather, she spent most of her time cooped up in the study with father.” Anastasia says and Clara blushes.

“That’s not true mother.”

“She sounds exactly like Adriane. She spent so much time with Ty that I was jealous.” Gran says and we all laugh.

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