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I find the brothers playing PS5 at the TV room. Simlethelwe is there with them. I greet them and chill with them for a while.

“Did Sange come?” I ask looking at Silu. He and his brothers share eye contact and he just chuckles looking at me.
“I ended up being the third wheel my love. She came here and cooked breakfast and then went with Silindile to his room. I don’t know what occurred there but what I know is that she is still in there sleeping.” Simlethelwe laughs.

“Well that’s Sange for you.” I stand up. “Which room is she in?”
“First door on the second floor.”

“Okay.” I head there and find her under the covers. I just chuckle and kick her out of the bed. She jumps up and gives me a nervous smile. “Do you wish to die Sange? Do you have a death wish?” she looks at me confused.
“But boss you told me to come here.”

“In che modo i tedeschi entrano nel mio territorio e persino chiedono un incronto senza che io sappia? (How do the Germans enter my territory and even demand a meeting without me knowing?)” Her eyes pop out.
“Cosa stai parlando del capo? (What are you talking about boss?)”

“Perrette and Murray were at Madam Ty and they fuckin demanded I give them a portion of the Mozambican territory. Now my question is, what is your job if you fail to inform me about such? You all know how I hate surprises.”
“I am sorry boss. I was busy with auctions these past few days. I totally didn’t pay attention to other things.”

“Devo mettere un proiettile sulla tua figa per ricordarti i tuoi doveri? (Must I put a bullet on your pussy to remind you of your duties?)”
“No I am sorry. It won’t happen again. What do you need from me?” she asks while getting dressed quickly.

“Inform the pilot that I am leaving for Italy on Sunday. I have to talk to the capo before I can do anything about the Mozambican territory and also find out if he has some opportunities for me.” I turn and head out.

I get to Silu’s room and change my shoes. I wear slippers and then take a burner phone. I head to the bathroom and make a call to the Consigliere. We chat for a few minutes and I also inform him about my visit. When I am done, I disconnect the burner phone and destroy it. I then head downstairs and find the brothers cooking. Well Simlethelwe and Silu are cooking. Silindile is sitting on the barstool.

“Aren’t I the one who is supposed to cook?” they all turn and look at me.
“Not today koti. You also deserve to rest sometimes.” Simlethelwe replies with a smile.
“You’re too kind.” I sit on the barstool next to Silindile. “So what did you and Sange get up to?” He laughs.

“All I can say is that I think I have found my equal and my soul mate.” Silu laughs. He knows how Sange is like.
“Are you sure you can keep her brother and keep up with her sex drive?” I burst out laughing and Silu also laughs.
“If she wants to be kept, then I will.”
“Do you even have her number?” I ask still laughing.

“You, my favorite sister-in-law, are going to give it to me.” I continue laughing.
“I wish to know the kind of a woman this Sange is.” Simlethelwe says.
“Since your brother seems interested in her, you will maybe know her more. Anyways I wanna take the family out for dinner at Madam Ty. My chef has this new dish and I want you guys to try it out.”

“You own Madam Ty?” Simlethelwe asks and I nod. “That’s awesome and relax we are coming. I have heard so much about that restaurant and its’ class. I actually wanted to take my girlfriend there for our second anniversary.”
“That’s so cool. Do you think your parents will agree?”
“I will persuade them MaChiliza.” Simlethelwe says and I just chuckle.

We just chat about anything and everything. I find out that Simlethelwe is 24 years old and Silindile is 32. Silu is 29 years by the way. We are later joined by Siyamthanda and by then, we are sitting at the TV room watching Prison Break. This time she is not that attached in her gadgets. In fact she is engaging in conversations. 
Silu’s parents agreed to dine at Madam Ty so now we are headed there. I am riding with Silu and he is driving. My phone beeps and I open it. It’s a text message from Sange saying I am being tailored. I know it’s the Germans, they are fucking predictable. I take my business phone and call Muriel. Please don’t be confused because I am multilingual. I am fluent in German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages. Muriel answers her phone.

“Boss lady.”
“Perrette and Murray. Dígales que dejen mi territorio antes de hacerle algo malo y deben dejar de adaptarme. (Tell them to leave my territory before I do something bad to them and they must stop tailoring me.)”
“En eso. Por cierto, ¿qué están haciendo aquí? (On it. By the way what are they doing here?)”
“Wow okay. I won’t disappoint.”
“Sure.” I hang up.

“Is everything okay?” Silu asks and I turn to face him with a smile on my face.
“Just a hiccup and work. Nothing to worry about. My CEO is already on top of it.”
“Don’t you ever think of working in one of your companies? Like being a CEO in any of them?” I chuckle.

“I have no experience. I am only a qualified hacker and I have so many responsibilities. Sitting in an office from 8 to 4 will make me neglect some of my companies and I don’t want that. I once neglected them and when I came back, I found new employees who were rude and I found that some people were stealing from me. From there on, I promised myself that I will visit the companies maybe twice a week.”

“What did you do to the people who stole from you?”
“I got them arrested. Wherever they are, I am pretty sure they will think twice in their next life, before stealing from their boss.”
“Did you get back your money though?”
“Yes, 80% of the money.”
“That’s great babe.”

We get to the restaurant and the hostess leads us to our table. We sit down and start by ordering starters. The rents can’t stop complementing the beauty of this place. I am not surprised that they have never been here before because this is one of the most expensive restaurant in Mzansi. Also the brothers have never been here. Only Silu has because I brought him here. The starters come and we start digging.

The new dish comes and they can’t stop complementing it. They even call out the chef to pass the complements and she is pleased by this. She keeps smiling from ear to ear. When we are done eating, we have a few drinks at the lounge listening to smoothing jazz. The rents even start dancing slowly and we laugh at them. Silu forces me to also dance. He knows very well that I have two left feet. Either way I stand up and we also move to the rhythm, not dance but move.

The night comes to an end and we all head back to the mansion. I inform them that I am leaving the following day. Silu’s mom is sad that we didn’t spend much time bonding but I promise her that I will spend more time with her from now on. Silu fucks me good and I thank God that he soundproofed his room because surely his parents and siblings would’ve thought that he was killing me because of my high pitched screams.

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