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Midnight I am woken up by a beep which indicates a message from my phone. We had dinner with babe and as usual his food was delicious. We talked more about the wedding and other pre-wedding ceremonies. I still didn’t tell him about my gangster life. Anyways I don’t see the big deal about him not knowing. I will always protect him from the underworld.

The message indicates the Mozambican boss location. I quietly get off the bed and quickly get dress. I get out of the house quietly and drive to the location. I find Salizwa, Seipati and Sange already waiting for me. We jump the fence and find 2 goons at the door. Salizwa quickly takes them out and her gun makes no noise because it has a silencer on.

“There are about 3 men on the other side of the door. 2 in the middle of the room and the boss. I don’t think they were expecting us.” Sange says while holding her tablet and her gun on the other hand.

“Who expects to be attacked in the middle of the night?” Seipati says and chuckles. Salizwa rolls her eyes. I signal Salizwa to take care of the 3 men and she quickly does so. Sange accesses the door and it opens. We get inside to where the boss is.

“JJ you called me and I have come. What do you want?” I say. He quickly stands up and his goons draw their guns and they point toward our direction.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You have no back up and I have cut your network coverage.” Sange says with a smirk.

“So talk JJ.” I say folding my arms on my chest.

“First I am sorry for attacking your brother and your employee. I had a deal with Bo…” he starts talking.

“We really don’t care about what you did. We just want to know what you want from the boss.” Seipati says.

“For an arrogant bastard you sure are quick to apologize.” Salizwa says.

“I want to work with you. Become partners and…”
“Did you have to involve my brother?”
“I know I was wrong and for that I am…”
“Don’t apologize because you are only wasting your breath.”
“I wanna supply guns to you.”
“Didn’t it occur to you that I already have a supplier for that?”
“More guns at a lesser price. I know your supplier and I know he can’t provide you with what I am offering. And I also know about your diamonds so…”

“Don’t talk about something that you don’t know. The fact that we sell diamonds doesn’t mean we have them or we produce them. Whoever that told you about ‘Empress’s diamonds’ clearly didn’t do his research well.” Seipati says with a voice filled with annoyance.

“If you want to work with me then you better forget about every information you have been told about me, well apart from the one which states what I do to people who betray me and harm my family. For harming my brother you still are going to pay.” I turn and head out.

I stop at the door and turn to face JJ. “Tell your friend Bo that I am coming for him and I already know where he is hiding.”

I get out and climb into my car. I drive back to Silungile’s house. I get inside and take off my clothes. I snuggle next to him and he wraps his arms around me and plants a kiss in my forehead. “Where were you?” he asks in a deep sleepy voice.
“I went to get a midnight snack.”
“Then why are you so cold?”
“I went outside for a few minutes.”
“Okay, let’s sleep.” I cuddle closer to him.
The following morning we both take a-not-so-innocent shower. My fiancé knows how to fuck a woman. He satisfies me. We get out of the shower and get dressed. We head downstairs and head to Wimpy to have breakfast. I don’t know how to cook so that’s why we are eating out. I don’t know how I will do my wifely duties at the Ndaba homestead because I know for sure that they will want me to cook for them after I get married and they will expect a meal prepared by me every time they visit. We settle down and order our food.

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