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I quickly stand up and take my bag. I clearly wasn’t expecting to see him. Not tonight. Not so soon. Clara gets the message and she also stands up, taking her handbag.

“Thank you so much for the dinner ma. We will surely visit you soon.” She stands up and we exchange hugs.
“Do come back and you Clara, I am going to cook amadombolo for you.” Clara smiles.
“I don’t know what that is but I am sure it is going to be as delicious as tonight’s meal was.”

“Bye everyone.” I say as I approach the doorway. “Hey Silungile.” I smile looking at him and then head out. We get to the car and I drive us to my crew’s house. I park the car on the drive way and Clara and I climb off the car. I open the front door and we both get inside. We find them in the lounge drinking beer and watching TV.

“I come bearing gifts.” I say and then turn to look at my direction. “If you are waiting for an apology then I guess you are going to wait until I am a born again which will never happen.” They laugh and come to hug me. They also hug Clara.

“So what did you buy?” Sange asks. I just hand her the gift bag. I go to the coffee table and take out a beer from the ice bucket. I open it with my ring and then take a huge sip. Damn it tastes good.

“Just like I remember it.” They laugh. I take my pumps and doek and then sit down. They also sit down. Clara takes one of the open beers and sip from it.
“Where are you guys coming from dressed like this?” Seipati asks.
“From the in laws. By the way the husband is back.” Clara replies.

“What a coincidence. You resurface and he comes back. Wow.” Sange says.
“It really is a coincidence.” I say shrugging.
We came back home in the early hours of the morning because we drank and chatted till late with the crew. When I got home I wrote a note for gran saying ‘FYI YOU ARE STILL MY FAVORITE WOMAN IN THE WORLD AND I LOCE YOU’. I then placed it on her bedside table along with her gift. She knows that I don’t know how to apologize so she will surely understand.

I wake up and check time. It’s 12pm. I huff and get up from the bed. I don’t have a hangover because I drank painkillers before I slept. That is my hangover cure. I go shower and then get dressed in a white short summer dress. I know that’s not me but I am not planning on going anywhere, by the way it’s already late. I wear my palazzo pool sliders and then go back to the bedroom. I find my bed already made. I take my phone and head downstairs. I go to the patio because my intention is to get fresh air before I go in search for something to eat.

“Finally her majesty has decided to grace us with her presence.” Gran says and I chuckle. She is seated at the patio with mother and Jenna. It’s a really rare sight to see Jenna at gran’s house.

“How is everyone?” I ask sitting next to gran. They all answer in their own way.
“Thank you for saving my life Adriane.” Jenna says. I look at her. She looks better than the way she looked when I got to her suite back at the hotel.

“That’s what family is for. You fuck each other up but they are always there for you in times of need.” She nods with tears threatening to come out of her tears. I internally roll my eyes. I am not a fan of tears. “I will be right back.” I place my phone on the table and go to my room. I take the gift bags and head back to the patio. I hand them to Jenna and mother.

“I should’ve known not to expect an apology from you.” Mother says opening her gift.

“You know how she is.” gran says and they both laugh. Jenna and mother thank me for their gifts and I just smile. One of the maids bring me a plate of food with juice and I thank them. I start eating while the ladies continue chatting about whatever they were talking about before I joined them. I frown when I notice someone who is missing.

“Gran where is my twin?” she chuckles.
“She is meeting that designer that she is going to be working for, and don’t worry one of the drivers drove her there.” I exhale. “I am sure Tyrone would eat me alive if something were to happen to his grandchild while under my watch.” I laugh out loud because their beef is funny. They all give me strange looks.

“What is it?” I ask downing my juice.
“You hardly laugh, so when you laugh we wanna treasure it because it’s a beautiful sound.” Gran says and I just chuckle shaking my head.
“Weird.” Gran laughs.
We are seated at the dining table for a family dinner. Everyone is here, even Liyana and Likhona. Mother was very uncomfortable when Nkateko brought them but she is okay now, well pretending to be okay. He said Avuyile was afraid to come because she is scared of mother, that’s why she is not here.

Cole is here with Eve. Anathi is also here. Even my friends or crew or whatever you may call them. I consider them as family and I know that if I were to get married, they would be my bridesmaids. Mother and gran are the ones who cooked. We are all gathered around the table. Clara says grace and we all start eating.

“Sorry to interrupt but Mr. Qhawe is here to see Miss Thompson.” One of the older maids says and we all turn to look at her. I know she is referring to me so I stand up. My crew also stands up and we head to the lobby. We find Q standing there with his two bodyguards.

“This better be good.” Salizwa says with her arms folded on her chest.
“Can we talk somewhere private?” Q says.

“Follow me.” I lead everyone to my study. We settle down with Q sitting opposite me. “How may I help you Q?” he takes out a file and a memory stick and hands it to me. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

“You are not stupid Empress, don’t start now.” One of the guards say and I chuckle. I take the memory stick and insert it on the computer in front of me. It only has video clips. I click on the first one.

“Before you play them, they are legit and everything in this file is legit. If you have any questions and concerns you know where to find me.” he stands up and heads out. His goons follow him. My crew rushes to my side, I am sure they wanna view what the memory stick has. I open the first video and it’s a video of Ty.

“Hi baby. I have no long speech prepared this time around. And before you ask, this is me, not Tyrone. I don’t know how to prove it but whatever.” I chuckle because that is so like him. “If you are watching this video, it means your birthday is in a week and you will be turning 25 then. The South African Mafia chair has always been yours. Qhawe was just keeping it warm for you. You are worthy of it. The papers in front of you are everything you need to know about the mafia and about being the boss.”
“Wow.” Sange says.

“Q won’t fight you in this. He knew about this from the beginning. You probably didn’t like his way of things because he can be very irrational and stupid. Now the chair is yours. Make me proud. The other clips contains everything you need to know, from territories, to enemies, to allies. Everything. Bye for now.” He winks and the clip ends.

“I was never ready.” Salizwa says sitting on the floor.
“You and me both bra.” Seipati says pouring whiskey in the glass and gulping it down.
I also was never ready.

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