Chapter 22

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Katniss' POV

It had been Katniss' intentions to make her way quietly and unnoticed to the throne room on Mount Olympus. True, she didn't exactly know what to expect in the first place, but since she and Percy hadn't actually been invited, she didn't like the idea of announcing their arrival for all the gods and goddesses to hear.

Unfortunately, Percy being the son of Poseidon who'd helped save the world a few times had other, unwanted benefits besides easy access to the 600th floor. Nature spirits and young maidens in flowing white dresses and gold sandals giggled and pointed as they walked by, whispering among themselves. Katniss rolled her eyes.

"So much for the low profile."

Percy shrugged at Katniss as if to say What can you do?

"They were bound to figure out we were here eventually. The gods may make some...questionable choices but they aren't stupid. They are gods after all. Hey, how's it going?" Percy waved to a group of horses that had trotted up to see who the new arrivals were. They whinied affectionately.

"Friends of yours?" Katniss asked, raising an eyebrow at the horses.

"My dad kinda invented horses, so I guess you could say so. Most horses, the friendly ones anyway, are pretty cool to talk to. There's this pegasus, Blackjack, we go way back--"

Percy was interrupted by a loud rumble of thunder that shook the ground. The horses scattered and Percy winced. "Guess we better go. Sounds like Zeus knows we're here now and isn't too happy about it."


As they stepped into the throne room, Katniss barely had a moment to make sense of what she was seeing, all the enormous beings seated on their thrones staring down at them, before a man's voice boomed, "What is the meaning of this?"

Katniss was too shocked to answer, so Percy answered, "Lord Zeus, a pleasure as always. I've come with my friend Katniss Everdeen, who wishes to have a word with you."

At the mention of Katniss' name, Zeus' expression darkened. "Is that so, girl?"

Somehow Katniss managed to regain her composure. "Yes, uh, Lord Zeus."

"I see. Very well, our meeting is over anyway." Zeus regarded his fellow Olympians. "You are all dismissed."

Apollo raised his finger in protest. Katniss hadn't noticed him earlier because she'd been so focused on Zeus, but seeing him here, as big as he was and how at home he seemed among his fellow saddened her. Up until now she could almost forget he was a god, holding onto the memories she could just barely remember of him when she was younger. But now, there was no denying that her father was in fact a god.

Apollo cleared his throat and said, "If I may be so bold, father--"

Zeus glared at his son. "You may not, but I'm sure you will anyway."

"I wish to hear what my daughter has to say. For so long, you have not allowed me to even see her, it seems only fair that I--"

"Do not forget, my son, that I am the god of justice." Zeus interrupted. "I decide what is fair. The very purpose of our meeting today was to decide what was the fair punishment for your continuing insolent and thoughtless behavior. I had hoped that after your...mistake with this one's mother you would have learned some better judgement, but after the war between the Greek and Roman camps and your foolish behavior with that augur, clearly it would seem my punishments haven't been harsh enough. We'll be returning to that matter later."

Apollo looked like he wanted to melt into his throne. He said nothing but gave Katniss an apologetic glance.

A goddess with long dark hair and a war helm had been studying the conversation between Zeus and Apollo like a tennis match. From the crash course to mythology Katniss had received at camp, she guessed this was Athena.

I am Katniss, Daughter of Apollo (Percy Jackson/Hunger Games Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now