Chapter 8

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Katniss's POV
I woke with a start as pain shot up my leg.
"Katniss!" Liz is jogging toward my bed with a drink in one hand and some little squares in the other. She holds them out to me.
"Ambrosia and nectar. It'll fix your ankle. Just don't drink or eat too much."
"Okay...." I say skeptically as I take the food and drink from her. I bite into one of the squares of ambrosia and instantly I feel overwhelmed with warmth, like the sun is shining on my back. I feel all of my muscles relax. I reach for another one, but Liz grabs my wrist.
"I think that's enough, it was only a minor injury. Wouldn't want you to burn up."
"Burn up? Like get a fever?"
"No. Like, literally, burn up. In flames."
"Oh." I say, imagining myself in my flaming wedding dress.
"Come on. Today's the day Rachel and Chiron have decided to announce who they've picked for the quest. I bet you'll get picked. All the new campers with amazing skill, like yourself, always get picked. Like Percy, Jason, Leo, Piper...." She trails off. I can hear the longing in her voice, her wanting to be chosen for a quest one day.
"I don't think I'll get picked." I say, trying to be reassuring for her.
She shrugs and motions for me to follow her outside to the Pavilion. I hop off the bunk and walk out the door after her. We run to our table, and find we are the first campers from our cabin there. I see Connor and Travis standing on top of the Hermes table, kicking a hacky sack between each other. I wave, and Connor waves back. In that moment Travis was tossing the hacky sack to him, and it hits him in the face. Travis starts cracking up, and Connor pretends to be angry, but bursts out laughing too. I laugh and turn back to Liz. Other campers slowly start to file in, filling each of the tables. Finally, I spot Chiron walking towards the Pavilion, and Rachel not far behind him.
"Campers. Today is the day. It is time for a quest, and it is time to announce the selected campers for this quest." Chiron begins. "I will begin by restating Rachel's prophecy:
A prophecy to be told.
Secrets to withhold.
A journey to a land that is not our own.
A journey to a land unknown.
Who can play the game?
Who can dance through the flame?" Chiron paused, letting us remember the words, "This quest requires four campers. I will now proceed to read off their names: from the Ares cabin, Clarisse La Rue!"
A buff girl stands up as her cabin around her cheers. She retakes her seat as Chiron raises his hand for silence.
"From the Athena cabin, Annabeth Chase!"
Annabeth stands up, smiling as her cabin applauds her.
"From the Hades cabin, Nico Di Angelo!"
Nico stands up, a serious expression on his pale face. His sole cabin mate, Hazel Lavesque-who sometimes comes to visit since she lives in New Rome at Camp Jupiter-applauds him, but he sits down quickly.
"And lastly, from the Apollo cabin...."
I hold my breath. Do I hope it's me? Do I want it to be me?
"Elizabeth Keyes."
I whip my head to Liz, who stands up shakily, her eyes wide. I clap as loud as my hands can, grinning. When she sits back down, I clap her on the back and she turns to me, a smile on her face.
"Selected campers," Chiron says, "Please report to the Big House tomorrow morning for your quest instructions. You will be departing camp tomorrow evening." Next Chiron addresses everyone, "That is all. I will see you all later for dinner."
At that Chiron trots off, Rachel by his side. All the campers jump up at once, excitedly chatting about the quest, and congratulating selected campers.
"Great job Liz!" I say again, grinning.
"Liz? What's wrong? I know you've been wanting to go on a quest. Why aren't you more excited?"
"I'm just nervous." Liz assures me with a shaky smile, "Come on, let's go back to the cabin."
We walk back to the cabin, Liz going through first aid techniques under her breath.
Before we know it it's time for dinner, and all the campers hurry back to the Dining Pavilion. I take my seat next to Liz. She's drumming her fingers nervously on the table, and bouncing her leg on the ground.
"Any advice?" She asks me.
"Who, me? I've never been on a quest." I say to her.
"I know that, but you seem like you're no stranger to combat and whatnot...." She says looking at me.
"Well alright. A wise man once told me....don't die." I say, trying to keep a straight face.
"Ha. Right. I'll try. I mean, I'll try not to...." Liz says.
"Okay. Real advice....ummm..." I pause. I've never given advice before. "Oh, I've got it. What's your preferred weapon?"
"Well I think I would say the bow you gave me." Liz says.
"Okay, good, that's pretty easy for me to relate to then. Always keep a large stock of arrows. You never want to run out, otherwise that makes the bow kind of useless. I think I saw some arrows the Hephaestus cabin was working on that are collapsible so you can carry more, I would see about getting some of those. Similarly, bring another weapon, just in case. Make it one you're also familiar with, because a weapon you aren't familiar with is almost as dangerous and having no weapon at all."
"Okay...I think I'm pretty good with daggers." Liz says slowly.
"Good. Don't hesitate to bring more than one dagger either. It's better to have more than one."
"Okay. I feel better now. Thanks Katniss." Liz says, smiling.
I give her a thumbs up as Chiron enters, quieting the tables.
"Campers, please proceed to make your offerings."
I get up with my food, and Liz follows me to the big fire pit. I dump in my corn and a piece of my chicken. I make my offering to Apollo, thanking him for giving Liz her bow. I walk back to my table with what's left of my meal; a piece of chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a roll. I take my seat and wait for everyone else to sit down before digging in to my food.
That night I was nervous for Liz, and I didn't fall asleep easily. I kept waking up. I could tell Liz was having similar problems. I calmed myself by promising her I would wake up before she left for her instructions to wish her good luck. Liz fell back asleep after that, but I couldn't seem to drift off. I was wide awake, thinking about what it might've been like to go on a quest.

Hellooooo readers!! Thank you for continuing to read my story, I hope you enjoy it. I don't expect you to be those readers who wait everyday for an author to update, then go crazy when they see the author updated it (tho that would be nice ;P). I hope you continue to read this story, I think it's really coming along. I have ideas for chapters to come, but obviously I haven't published them yet. All in good time, my readers. Thank you for being so kind to read my story, and PLEASE continue to vote for it, and comment! No one has commented lately, have I lost you guys O__O !? I hope not, that would be sad. Anyway, please keep reading, commenting and voting, all that jazz! Love you guys all so much.
- HOOtOwl417

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