Chapter 14

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Liz's POV

"Come on...come on Nico, please wake up!" I shout frantically. I hear another buzz in my ear, and more dull yet prominent pain.

"Ah!" Clarisse yells, a few yards away from me.

I look up to see her struggling to help Annabeth limp along.

I had done my best with what little supplies we had to tend to Annabeth and Nico's wounds. And then the bees came.

I know what you might be thinking, bees? Your excuse for a shoddy healing job is a couple of bees?

Well, they were not just a couple of bees. A couple hundred, more like. And these weren't just little wasps that you would run away from when you were little, the ones your parents told you to stay still around. No, these bees were larger, and they didn't to follow the same you-don't-bother-me-I-won't-bother-you idea as other bees. We tried that, and they took advantage of our ignorance by stinging as much bare skin as they could. That's when we realized they weren't normal bees. The key distinction was their sting. Not only was it as painful as a regular bee sting, but there must've been some sort of venom or poison in their stinger, because I started to feel like I was underwater; I seemed to move incredibly slow whenever I tried to run, and everything seemed to be in slow-motion. But not in slow motion, at the same time (if that makes any sense).

I had this bad gut feeling that the drunken state we were in wasn't the only thing the venom was going to cause.

I grunted, hoisting Nico up. Another bee stings him, this time on the inside of his right forearm, and his eyes shoot open.

"What the..." He mutters, dazedly trying to stand.

"No time to explain, can you walk?" I ask.

Nico grits his teeth. "I'm fine."

"Okay, follow me." I swat a bee out of my face, and it decides my finger is a good place to land.

I curse as it stings me. I look down at my body. Gods, I do not look attractive. In all the places I got stung, huge, purple, pus-filled welts have formed. I look up and notice Clarisse, Annabeth and Nico all look much the same.

"Come on, kid!" Clarisse calls from up ahead.

I stumble to catch up, Nico not far behind me.

Then came the hallucinations. They hit Annabeth first.

"Oh gods. Oh gods, no..." She whispers.

"What? What is it?" Clarisse shouts.

"Not now, not here..."

"What?!" Clarisse yells.

"Spiders." Is all Annabeth says.

Now, I'm not a big fan of spiders myself, but Annabeth? Terrified of them. Which is understandable, many children of Athena are. I know Allison is. Speaking of who, if you want the full story, go to her. I'm not going to go on about spiders and Athena. I don't see it as one of my highest concerns-or interests. I'm sure some of you feel much the same.

Annabeth backed up and knocked Nico off his already wobbly feet. He fell to the ground and landed with a thud.

"...Bianca?" I just barely hear him whisper.

"What?" I stare down confusedly at him.

"Bianca, what are you doing? Why-what-?" Nico stutters, banging on an invisible wall of some sort.

I look back at Annabeth, who is now frantically brushing invisible spiders off her body.

My head whips back to Nico.

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