Chapter 15

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Katniss' POV

I wake with a start. I rub my eyes, and when I bring my hands away they're wet with tears. I shudder, the night's dream coming back to me in a rush.

My dad was in the mines working like he always did, but in an eerie way I knew. I knew that this was real. This was my father's (or so I had believed) last day alive. I wasn't just watching his last moments, I was feeling them. I was him. I didn't see my dad, but somehow again I knew that I was seeing from his point of view.

"Everdeen, come an' gimme a hand, will ya?"

I turn to see a young man of about 20 trying to push a heavily loaded coal cart down the tracks of the mine.

"Sure thing, Torres." I hear myself say in my dad's rich voice.

The work proceeds innocently and boringly enough, but during lunch break a brawny man with a scraggly beard comes into the mine.

I turn and look at him and know that I recognize him. He carries a welding hammer, and his complexion is masked by thick layers of soot, making it impossible to know his original skin tone. He limps towards me, and through the dim lamplight his face becomes clearer. I notice white scars criss-cross his already misshapen face.

"Apollo." He grunts softly.

"Hephaestus, what are you doing here?" I whisper angrily.

"You know what. Zeus warned you what would happen if you stayed with mortals too long."

"Zeus may be in charge of Olympus, but he can't control me. Not anymore. Why are you helping him anyway? I thought you hated him."

"I do. But for once, Zeus and I are on the same page. You can't stay here."

"Oh yeah? And just what are you going to do about it, you big old lump of clay?"

"Apollo, just know and remember I gave you a choice. You could've left before anything bad had to happen. Everything that happens from here on out is on you."

Hephaestus disappears into thin air before I can ask what in Zeus' name he's talking about.

I put my lunch aside and go to get back to work. I hear a distant rumble, and then I hear Torres come running, cursing loudly.

"Everdeen, we gotta get outta here, and quick, the whole mine is gonna blow."

"Torres I don't think-"

"No time to argue, Everdeen! Don't ya see, we're screwed! Oh my God-"

"Gods." I say, paling. Too late, I feel the weight of the events about to unfold pressing down on me.

"What? Yeah sure, whatever Everdeen, come on let's just get outta here!"

"I'm sorry, Torres. I'm so sorry. There's no way out. We won't make it. There's no escape."

"What kinda crazy talk you sayin', Everdeen?"

"Torres, this is all my fault, I'm-"

I'm cut off by an explosion that sends loose bits of coal flying. I duck, just as a large chunk flies by me. Another explosion, and the area is thick with smoke. I fall to the ground, coughing.

"Torres?" I splutter.

No reply. I look around the cavern. Just as the smoke begins to thin, another explosion and flames curl into the cavern, sending more chunks of coal and rock flying. I cry out as a small boulder lands on my legs, pinning me down. I watch the flames, and they curl into the familiar shape of Hephaestus' face.

"I warned you, Apollo. I gave you a choice, and you chose wrong."

"No! The mortals, they don't deserve this. Torres-"

"Since when have you ever cared about the mortal casualties, Apollo, so long as you were happy? How is this any different? I don't take this lightly, either. I don't find pleasure in doing Zeus' dirty work, but you had to be stopped. I pity you for the Hades you're going to get back on Olympus."

With that there is one final explosion, and I am covered in rock, coal, ash, smoke, fire, blood and tears.

Such a vivid dream, I know it was real. I try to move about my day and keep busy, but every moment I pause I get flashes of images of coal flying and scorching fires. I find it hard to stay focused on the day's activities. Chiron notices, and pulls me aside after dinner at the Pavilion.

"Is everything all right, Katniss? You seem a today."

"I'm fine...well no, I'm really not. I had a bad dream, that's all. Only it didn't feel like a dream, it felt real. It was real."

"Why don't you come with me to the Big House and you can tell me all about it?"


We walk in silence towards the Big House, and as soon as we're inside I retell my dream to Chiron.

He's silent for several minutes, but finally he strokes his beard and says,

"I see."

With a sudden surge of anger I lose my temper.

"'I see'? Is that all you have to say? I just watched, no, I just experienced my father's death, which apparently wasn't even his death and wasn't even an accident, and all you have to say is 'I see'?"

"Katniss, I-"

"No, Chiron, no. I am not going to stay here and do nothing when people in my home are dying and need me more than they do here. I am not going to stay in the dark and wait for some almighty god to give me some answers! I am going to go and hunt down those answers myself, and don't even think for one second that you can stop me because I am more than capable of-"

"Of what? Killing me? I'm sure you are Katniss. I know I don't know you or where you're from, and for those reasons I can't help you. But if you truly insist on finding answers right now, at least let me tell you where to go."

"Fine...where do I go for answers?"

"The Empire State Building. Go to the 600th floor. That's the entrance to Olympus, home to all the gods. But Katniss, take someone with you. You don't know the area, and I believe it would be helpful to have someone with you, even if you don't think so."

I sigh, "Alright."

I turn to leave.

"And Katniss?" Chiron calls.

I turn my head.

"I know this is a given and quite cliche, but be careful."

"Thanks, Chiron." I walk out of the Big House, contemplating who to bring with me.

I am Katniss, Daughter of Apollo (Percy Jackson/Hunger Games Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now