Chapter 6

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Katniss' POV
After that game of capture the flag, things went well for me. I began my training (what for, I'm not really sure), and the other campers soon learned just how well I could shoot. I've made a lot of friends here, but I still miss Peeta. I wish he could be here because honestly he could use this training more than me. I remember how during the Hunger Games he would crunch loudly through the woods, worrying me that we would be noticed and killed at any moment. But I suppose that's just part of his character, he wasn't really raised in the woods, hunting like I was. He was raised to be a baker. Tears spring to my eyes as I remember the sweet smell of the loaves he used to bake back in District 12. I realize now that he won't be able to do that anymore, seeing as the whole District is....well gone, I guess. The tears start to roll down my cheeks as I remember that Peeta is somewhere in the Capitol right now, probably being tortured. He might not even remember me anymore.
I sniff and brush my tears away just as they are about to drip off my face. Embarrassed, I look around to see if anyone is close enough to notice. Luckily, there's no one really near me. I know it's okay to cry every once in a while, but I don't like to because it makes me feel weak. Plus my face gets all puffy and blotchy, which is very unattractive and makes it obvious that I'd been crying.
Slowly, I walk back to the Apollo cabin, my cabin. It's strange and new to call one of these cabins my own, but it's comforting to think that I have a place here, that I belong.
Most people have activities today, but Chiron gave me an extra empty slot on my schedule, saying he'd let me get used to camp first. So, as I walk into my cabin, I expect it to be empty, but to my surprise Liz is sitting by herself on one of the beds with something small in her hands.
"Hey you." I say, remembering how she said Connor and Travis address her that way.
She turns around, and I can tell I'm not the only one who'd been crying. She quickly wipes her eyes and nose, not wanting me to know that she had been crying.
"'s okay. Look-" I take her chin in my hand and turn her head towards mine so she can see that I'd been crying too.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her.
She nods, then takes a shaky breath and says, "I'm trying to be brave, like you Katniss. I'm really trying to be strong. I look up to you Katniss. You're my role model. Did you know that?"
I shook my head but squeezed her hand gently to tell her to go on.
"Well, finding out one of your parents didn't die-or whatever you were told happened to them-is just really shocking. And I know this happens to everyone here, but it still bugs me. Why would it have been so bad to tell us the truth? I've been trying to ask Apollo that at every meal offering ever since I was claimed, but he never answers. It just frustrates me, because here I am, fourteen years old, and I can't even picture what my dad looks like, except for the stupid old pictures they have in greek mythology books." Liz gestures to the small object she was holding, a picture from a book of a man holding a golden lyre. "Do you know what he looks like?" She looks up at me with her wet, gray-blue eyes.
I think about it and then say, "I have memories of my father, I mean Apollo as my father, but I think I heard Chiron say that the gods appear differently to each of their children. So even if I told you, I don't think it would've been the same Apollo for you. I'm sorry."
She just nods sadly, "I thought that was how it worked."
"Hey, don't look so glum. This camp is for good memories." I tickle her in the ribs and she giggles.
"Let's go down to the water." I suggest.
"Okay. I'd like that." She says with a small smile.
As we make our way to the water, campers wave, smile, or call out. I wave and smile back, and so does Liz. It's nice to feel welcome here. Almost like a big family. Actually, now that I think of it, we are one big family. The gods are related, and so we are all related too. Liz and I walk up to the water's edge, and Liz kicks off her flip flops and digs her toes into the wet, grainy sand. I sit down on a nearby rock, pull off my combat boots, and peel off my socks. I roll up my pants and head over to Liz who is standing ankle deep in the cool water with her eyes closed. I'm about to say something to her when Chiron announces that everyone should report to the Dining Pavilion immediately. Liz's eyes snap open and she scrambles to get her flip flops. I don't bother to put my shoes and sock on, it would take too long. Instead I just grab them and run with Liz towards the Pavilion. We are some of the first people there, and I turn to Liz and ask,
"What do you think this is about?"
She turns to me and says, "A quest, I think. The oracle has ordered a quest."
"A quest? What do you mean?"
"Every once in a while the oracle, Rachel, orders a quest. Usually it's specifically for certain demigods, but sometimes Chiron picks who goes."
Before I can ask another question, Chiron is trotting towards us, a red-headed girl on his back.
"Campers. I'm sure most of you know why I've gathered you all here. Rachel has a prophecy to share."
At that Rachel hopped off Chiron's back and walked to the middle of the Pavilion. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. I had to stifle a gasp when she reopened them, because they were now glowing, solid green. No irises, no whites, no pupils. Just green. Then she began to speak, and this time I couldn't stifle my gasp because the voice she spoke with (though I hadn't heard her speak before) did not sound at all like the voice of a teenage girl, and green smoke was emitting from her mouth.
"A prophecy to be told.
Secrets to withhold.
A journey to a land that is not our own.
A journey to a land unknown.
Who can play the game?
Who can dance through the flame?"

With that Rachel closed her eyes again and exhaled deeply. Again she opened her eyes, but they were back to normal. She cleared her throat, coughed, then said,
"Ahem. Yech. Sorry 'bout that. Oracle breath. Anyway... That was the prophecy, so I'll let Chiron interpret that a little, then we'll be back with some ideas on who should go wherever this quest is."
I held my breath. I may not be the best quest interpreter, but I had a cold, sinking feeling that those last two lines had to with the Districts. Specifically mine, 12 and 13.
Distantly I heard a camper ask me something to the effect of "Are you okay?" But I didn't answer. Next thing I knew the world was spinning out of focus, and I was dimly aware of falling (as if in slow motion) towards the ground.
Then all I saw was blackness.

Wow! Soooo I think this might be my fave chapter so far....although I know the future best one (well I hope it will be the best). >:) not telling tho. You guys'll just have to wait for that one. Haha. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter, please keep voting, commenting, following, and most importantly READING!!!!
Bye for now,

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