You Can't 😭😭

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After 6 years......

A man is shown sitting in a car going to some place.
Man's POV
After 7 years I am coming to this place. Many things has changed in these years.
I hope Avu still remembers me.
(Yes the man is Siddarth)
Umm this place has changed a lot
Where was her home.(Then he saw a garden)Yes this garden was near her house yes I have come to the right place.(After struggling a lot he finally found her house)She must have developed more pretty in these years☺☺. Why I am being nervous. 😨😨
He somehow managed to ring the doorbell. A young lady opened the door.
Sid- Avneet Kaur??
Lady- ....

..............No she used to live here
Siddarth felt sad but compose himself 🙁🙁
Sid- Then please give me her new address
Lady- Sorry sir but I think you don't know that she died a year back
Sid- Whattt!!!!!😱😱😭( the land below his feet skipped)
Sid's POV
No this can't happen Avu you can't leave me like this😭😭😭. You promised me to meet again.My thoughts were broken by the lady.
Lady- I think you don't know but sir she sold this house and went to the city hospital for her treatment but one day the whole city hospital burnt and all the people inside died. She also died but she left a box for you.
I somehow managed to take the box from her hand and went to the park. Why I can't believe. 😢😢I thought a beautiful life but I think God doesn't love us. I unwilling open the box.  There was a small pendant, a handkerchief, a small diary,a photograph of us together and finally a letter. I don't know why I am feeling nervous to read😭😭 this letter. Then I started reading the letter.

Dear Sid,
If you are reading this letter than I am very thankful to you for keeping your promise but I am a bad friend so I can't keep  my promise. But please keep this things with you as my last things. These things are very precious to me. I hope you will not read my secret diary. There is a photo of us together. When I missed you I used to see this picture and remember our old days. I wish I could see you and hug you. But God had written something else in my fate. I have seen you many times, sometimes in news paper sometimes on tv. I am very proud of you. I don't have anything else to say. Please remember me.
With love from your,

After reading this later the last thing I could say was, I WILL ALLWAYS REMEMBER YOU.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

                       ..THE END..

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