Oh no

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After that Siddharth and Faisu left for their office. Aisha's head was paining a lot so she started massaging her head.
Jaan- What happened Ashu are you ok?
Ashu- Yeah just a headache🤕🤕
Jaan- What we are going back home right now. And you will not say anything or I will complain to papa.😠
Ashu- Ok ok🤫🤫
Then they left for their home.
Meanwhile with Sid he was sitting in his cabin thinking about Ashu
Sid's POV
What is happening to me. These feelings these feeling😳😳 I had with Avu for the first time and now with Ashu. Is there any connection between Avu and Aisha.
Sm1- May I come in Sir?
Sid- Yes come in Mis Singh
Ashi- Sir you have a meeting with the Andersens in the noon.
Sid- Ok you may leave now( he said without even looking to her)
Ashi's POV
How rude. He even didn't look at me but whatever I will soon grab his attention. ( internal smirk😈😈)
Then she left from there.
After sometime Siddharth left for meeting and after meeting he was coming back to his home he was totally stressed when he got stuck in traffic.
Sid- Today was totally hectic and now this traffic I am getting mad.😣😣
I was seeing out of the window when he noticed a girl playing with the children when he observed closely he saw it was Aisha. He was lost in her ☺☺when he saw a big stone near her feet.
Sid- Oh no I have to save her.😰😰
She was about to fall when he saved her.
Ashu's POV
I was about to fall when I was saved by someone and I hit a muscular chest. I know who it is. I am sure it is Siddharth.
Sid- Be careful
Ashu- Yeah thank you🤗🤗
Sid- Um let's sit and talk
Ashu- Yes
They both sat on a bench
Ashu-  By the way how you here
Sid- I was passing the road when I saw you
Ashu- oh
There was an comfortable silence which was broken by Ashu
Ashu- Um I was thinking if you can join us on the trip🙂🙂
Sid- Only I
Ashu- (she blushed😳😳) no I mean you and Faisu as I think Jaan and Faisu will make a great jodi
Sid- But they keep fighting
Ashu- Yay but one day this fight will change into love I am sure😍😍
Sid- Let's see but I will surely try to join for the beautiful lady sitting sitting beside me
Ashu- (she blushed a lot😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳) I think we should leave for home now( she said changing the topic)
Sid- Yeah sure and I will drop you
Ashu- No need I can manage
Sid- I will not hear no it is my duty as a friend to think about your safety
Ashu- So you think we are friends
Sid- Obiviously and now you are coming with me
Ashu- Ok ok how can I say no to a freind 😛😛.

They chuckled🤭🤭 and left for their home first Siddharth first dropped Ashu then went to his room.

Your chapter . Sorry guys for late update but I am working on two other Ffs also and I am thinking of posting the cover today.

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