Saviour and Guilty

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Sid recieved a slap on his cheek. It was Abhi.
SID- Dada....
Abhi- How Dare you behave that way with her Sid How dare you..( Shouted)
Anu- I am very disappointed Sid
Jaan- She didn't have food for you( she shook her head in disbelief)
Ri- Moreover all the day she was only thinking about you(He gave him a stern look)
And it was enough for Sid to break down
Sid's POV
I messed up I messed up everything. I should have understood the situation. Moreover she is my best friend I must have believed her.  I am so bad I am so bad. I have to find ger before it's too late.
Sid's POV end
He ran away from there.
All- Sid wait.....
Abhi- Vaishu you all girls wait here me and RI and Faisu are going to find Avu.
Vaishu- Ok
Jaan has already broke down. She was crying a lot.
Avu was sitting in a park and crying and cursing ger fate.
She felt someone was looking at her. She looked here and there no one was seen. She was getting goosebumps so she thought to go back home. When she felt someone was following her. She felt the person was very near to her. She moved back and without wasting a moment she started to beat the person. It was very dark so she couldn't see the face of the person. She was stopped by a familiar voice.
Sid- Avuuuu are you thinking of killing me Ahhhhhjjj
He cried in pain.
Avu- I am extremely sorry.....
Sid- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
He again cried in pain
Avu- Wait let me help you
She gently carried him to the nearby bench and made him sit. She was watching his wounds when Sid hold her hands.
Sid- I am sorry....please forgive me....I am very guilty.... please please.....I am sorry very sorry...
Tear formed in his eyes....And Avu wiped it with her thumb.
Avu- It's okay I understand and I am also sorry I should have talked to you.
Then Sid hugged her and Avu also hugged her but gently.
Soon Bahia nd others come there. And went to them
Abhi- I think everything is solved between them.
They quickly jerked from each other. WhenFaisu noticed something.
Faisu- Eh Sid what happened to you I think someone had bitten you.
Sid- Nah Oh ek janglibilli ne mujhpe hamla kardia
Boys- What??????
They burst out laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 except Avu who was still looking down in shame.

Guys I am not getting good response on this book. Please guys vote and comment  or else I am not going to update 
Goals  25votes 12comments
I am thinking of giving a heartbreak to Sid in next chapter...... what do you think please complete the goals for next chapter....😈😈😈

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