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Sid left from there. After some time RI and Avu came back and Ri was blushing.
Avu- Where is Sid
Abhi- He will be there outside attending an important call.
Ri- He was not there
Anu- May be left for some important work.
Fais- Right
Then they have some chit chat and went to their rooms
Next Day....
It was Abhinavi engagement everyone was happy except Sid. Avu tried a lot to talk to Sid but he never agreed. Now Avu was also angry on Sid. During the whole function Sid was ignoring Avu. SO AVu was sad.
After sometime Riyaz went on the stage and grab the mic.
Ri- Ladies and gentleman today is a very special day as our favourite couple Abhinavi got engaged. But today I want to make this day special for someone else. Someone very special. Someone I fell for at the first meet. But was too scared to confess. But today I am finally confessing.
Sid couldn't take it longer and left from there which was noticed by Avu. She tried to go behind him but he already left. He went home and cried a lot. He was trying to console his heart but couldn't.  Finally he slept. Next morning Avu came to sid next morning.
Avu- Sid what happened to you why are ignoring me
Sid- Yeah first of all congratulation the girlfriend of Riyaz Aly
Avu- What........
Sid- Sorry for not attending your confession
Avu- Are you high on something
Sid- Did I say something wrong
Avu- You are talking rubbish till now are you serious Riyaz proposed Anu
Sid- What then what about the talk you had last day
Avu- What are talking
Sid- I heard Riyaz like you and you said yes
Avu- Nooo duffer it happened......
Ri- If I say I like you
Avu- I will say yes by the way I know you love Anu
Ri- How do you know?
Avu- I can see that  and Anu also like you
Ri- Are you sure
Avu- Damn sure and please don't make her wait and propose her soon
Ri- I will do it tomorrow only
Flashback end........
SID- Whatttttt
Avu- Yes idiot and by the way if Riyaz also likes me tera kya jata hai
Sid- You will get to know soon
Then Avu left blushing

Next Day.......
Sid- Avu meet me at xyz at 3p.m
Avu- Okay
Avu reached there
Avu- Sid where are you....
- Behind you
Avu turned back and saw Sid kneeling in front of her
Sid- I am not good at speech(author - Mee too) so what comes in my heart I will tell you the first time I saw I liked you the day you fought for me I crushed on you soon I developed feelings for you but I had to leave you but I came back to tell you my feelings but you already left me I was heartbroken so much things happened in these years our reunion again I fell for you jealousy but the thing was we remembered we remembered each other at the toughest time of our life also when life told us to move on but we still remember each other we kept our promise and if fate again plays with us still I will always remember you. So Miss Avneet Kaur or Aisha Kapoor I love you will you marry me

Avu- Yes Yes a thousand time yes.
Then they both kissed and hugged each other.

                             THE  END

I will miss this book a lot I ended this book because I was not getting much response like 300 reads 20 votes and 5or 6 comments. But please at least  comment and vote as much as you can on this chapter please it was so close to my heart please spam messages I will really miss this book but at least love to all those who read this book loved it vote for it and comment on it. And  thankyou to the silent readers also for at least giving it a try please guys comment and vote on this chapter.

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