Game Over

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Time skip.....
Few months everyone had started patchup. Abhinavi, Sidaisha and Fainat had group and they hangout together. Aisha normally tries to ignore all this and maintain distance from Siddharth. Siddharth used to observe Aisha and her sudden change in behavior.  He had a doubt which was getting cleared.

One fine day in a dark room a man is talking to some one on phone
One sided conversation:
Man: The plan is ready now it's time to execute it.
Man: No need to worry my plan will be successful.
Man: Just do your work properly
Then he cut the call
Man: Aisha Kapoor your Game is Over

On the other side Aisha is sitting in her room.
Aisha- Today I am not getting good vibes I should stay at home only.
Vaish- Hello Ashu how are you.
She hugged her
Ashu- Nice di How are you
Vaish- Beautiful as always
They both chuckled.
Vaish- Ok I want to go to shopping and you will accompany me.
Ashu- Di not me please tell Jannat
Vaish- Jannat went on a date with Faisu
Ashu- What just friends on date
Vaish- Yeah Yeah now let's go
Ashu- Di please go with dada
Vaish- Abhi is busy you have to go only
Ashu- Di we will go some other day not today.
Vaish- If you love me then you will come with me today
Ashu- Okay Coming
Then Ashu got ready and they both left
Ashu was not feeling nice. After sometime she got a call .
Ashu- Hello
Aishu- Whatttt
She fell on the ground...


Whose call?
Who is the man?
What will happen now???

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