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After their family time Aisha and Jaan left for their NGO. Aisha entered in the NGO with the help of Jaan as she can't see. As soon as she entered all the children hugged her tightly and greeted her.
Children- chl
Chl1- Goodmorning Ashu di we have missed you a lot🥺🥺
Ashu- Aww I have also missed you a lot.🤗🤗
Jaan- So you only missed your Ashu di that means you all don't love me😔😔.( she shed fake tears)
Chl- No Jaan di we love you both.
Ashjan- We love you too.😍😍
They all played for a while then they went in their cabin to work. Jannat was reading some files to Aisha.
Ashu- Jaan I was thinking something let's take all the children to somewhere exciting for somedays.
Jaan- Great idea but there can be a budget issue as papa has spend a large amount of money for his new project .
Ashu- But we have to do something for the children's. 🤔🤔
Ashu's POV
I was thinking all this when someone's voice came from back.
Sm1- May I come in.
This voice gave me sparks all over my body 💓💓like I have known this voice for so long. My head started paining and I started to feel dizzy and then....
Sid's POV
A young lady was standing in front of but I was facing her back. I called her but then she started feeling dizzy and she was about to faint so I catched her by her waist. As soon as my eyes landed on her I saw the most angelic face 💘💘💞in front of me I was lost in her when I remembered about Avu my Avu I can't think about any other girl rather than her. So I left her and she fell on the floor.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Ashu- Ouch....🙍‍♀️🙍‍♀️
Sid- I am extremely sor...I was cited by another girl.
Girl- What do you mean by sorry huh how dare you leave her 😡😡I know boys like you very well.
Sid- What do you mean by boys like you huh do you even know me.😠😠
( Remeber Sid was wearing mask)
Girl- Do you know me I am Jannat Kapoor and how dere you hurt my sister.
Oh so she is Jannat Kapoor daughter of famous business man Kapoor and she is her sister.
Jaan- Bawla kahika
Sid- If I am Bawla than you are then you are umm yes Bawli yee you are Bawli😏😏
Jaan- You....🤬🤬
She was cutted by Faisu
Faisu- Don't you know how to talk with others.
Jaan- I don't have to learn how to talk with others from you😠😠
Faisu- Mannerless girl😣😡
Jaan- How dare you ......
Aisha- Shut up just shut up both of you😖😖 I am very sorry in behalf of my and you both please sit down and *( to Jaan) you will not utter a single word.😠😠
She said sternly. Then we both settled on the sofa and they also sat down.
Aisha- By the way my name is Aisha Kapoor how may I help you.
Oh so her name is Aisha nice name 😍😍. What is happening to me I have to stay focused on Avu but her voice and features are so similar to Avu. ( remember he had seen Avu 7 years back when they were small ) Is no how can it be😰😰. I am over thinking.
Sid's POV end
Aisha- Sir where are you lost.
Sid- Umm no where by the I am Siddharth Nigam nice to meet you and he is my best freind cum brother Faisal Sheikh but we call him Faisu.
Ashu- Oh my God you are the famous business man Siddharth Nigam what a pleasure.😲😲 By the way how can I help you.
Sid- Oh I want to donate money or sponsor something for the children of this NGO.
Jaan whisper to Ashu: It is the best opportunity we need money to organise their tour.
After thinking sometime Aisha said
Aisha- Yes we are thinking to organise a tour for them to so you can sponsor their trip. 🙂🙂🙂
Sid- Yes and also I want to donate some property to this charity so I have brought the papers will you please sign it.🙂🙂
Aisha- Sure so Jaan please read out the papers.
Sid- Why Jannat you can also read them
Aisha- Oh I am blind 😐😐
Sid- I am sorry.😔😔
Aisha- No it's ok you were unaware of it
After signing the paper and some chit chat it was time for their.
Sid- Nice to meet you Miss Kapoor🙂🙂
Aisha- Nice to meet you too Mr Nigam🙂🙂
They did hand shake but they both felt sparks in their body and Aisha's head again started paining.🤕
**In mind Sidsha: What is happening to me🤨🤨**

Today upto this biggest chapter till now please vote and comment.
I think of starting keeping goals.
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