Love of my life

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Only one vote and one comment left so I updated

Few months have passed and Aisha had started to grow feelings for Siddharth but she ignored whereas Siddharth feels a weird connection between Aisha and Avneet. They both used to hangout a lot and Fainat had also stopped fighting and become friends but remember just friends. Everything was going nice but nothing goes same in life.
It was Sunday like always they were going to hangout in the nearby garden.
They both were sitting on a bench enjoying each others company the light breeze.When suddenly Siddharth's phone came.
One sided communication
Sid- Hello
Sid- Yes who
Sid- What
Sid- really it isn't a prank right
Sid- Where are you
Sid- Ok I am coming
Aisha was totally confused
Ashu- What happened
Sid hugged her and she hugged him back.
Sid- I am very very very happpppyyyy today
Ashu chuckled
Sid- You know I have found the love of my life
Ashu's heart skipped her vision blurred as her eyes filled with tears. Soon she left the hug.
Sid- What happened why are you crying
Ashu- No something has gone in my eyes but I am happy for you now you should g go go too he her ( her voice cracked)
Sid- Yeah you are right I should leave
He left from there
Ashu burst out crying. She cried for hours. She doesn't know this feeling but she was unable to control her feelings.

Meanwhile with Sid he reached the place. A girl came.
Sm1- Sid

Sid- Avu I love you
Avu- I love you too
Ashu- Why why I fell in love with Sid when he loves someone else

What is happening?
Ashu is not Avu?
Then who is Ashu really?
Ashu loves Sid?
Does Sid really love Avu or Ashu?

Goal 18 votes and 10 comment

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