Something Something

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Suddenly I bumped into something hard and obviously it was Siddharth but why isn't he moving. I tried to move him but he was  standing like a statue. So I started to move leaving him but he catches my hand and slightly hit his chest.
Sid- Don't  go ahead
Ashu- Is there something ahead
Sid- It is happening am I dreaming
Ashu- What is happening
Sid- Just see it you will awestruck
I gave him a Are you serious look
Sid- Okay sorry I forgot you can't see in excitement but still I can't believe my eyes.
Now he is testing my patience
Ashu- Will you take the  pleasure of telling me what is happening there
Sid- Ok so hold your breath because you will not believe that

Today upto this only

Are you still here then okay here is the story

- Jaan and Faisu are holding hands and staring into each others eyes dreamily.
Ashu- Really ...
I hugged him in excitement  and we both fell down.
Ashu's POV end

Due to the sound Fainat come out of their dreamland and were blushing a lot.
Ashu- Ouch
Sid- Abe gadha Faisu will you come and help us
Faisu- Yes bhai
He helped them to stand
Sid- By the way what was going between you two
Faisu- No nothing bhai
Ashu- Jaaaaan
Jaan- Ye yes yes diii
Ashu- Something Something
Jaan- Nothing Nothing
Ashu- Something Something
Jaan- Nothing Nothing
Ashu- Something Something
Jaan- Nothing Nothing
Ashu- Something Something
Jaan- Nothing Nothing
Both the sisters stop
Sid- Ok now spit it what you both were doing
Faisu- We were fighting and by mistake she was falling so I hold her.
Ashu- Ok I believe you now please you both go to your room
They both left
Ashu- Now stop dreaming about Faisu and come
Jaan- In your dreams
Ashu- Yea yeah let's see in whose dream
They both slept
At midnight suddenly...................

Okay how is the chapter so guys my exam will be online so I will get some time to update so till then please complete the goals


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