Hazel Eyed Boy

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Three votes were left so I just posted it as I am in love with my this book

In midnight suddenly.....
Weird dreams started to come for Aisha.There were many scenes in her dreams.
First scene:
Boy- You are a rabbit
Girl- Banbit
They both laughed
Second Scene:
Girl- We are best friends
Boy: Yes
Third scene:
Boy- Promise me you will always Remeber me
Girl- I promise
Aisha woke up with a jerk and sat on the bed she was sweating a lot.
Ashu's POV
What is happening to me who is the girl who is the boy but today I saw his eyes hazel eyes it is so familiar to me like I can draw in them. But why they come in my dreams what is my connection with them. I should sleep now.
Ashu's POV
Whe tried to sleep but sleep never came.
Next day....
It was the last day of trip and they had flight at night. Ashu was totally zoned out and Sid noticed it and tried to talk to Ashu but she ignored him. Then they went to California.

For somedays Aisha locked herself in a room. Zoned out always thinking about that dream and the hazel Eyed boy.
One day she was painting in canvas.
( Yes she can draw although she is blind)
She was just thinking about the hazel Eyed guy.
When suddenly Jaan bargged in her room.
Jaan- What are you drawing let me see.
She took the drawing from there.
Jaan- Wow it is unbelievable how can you draw it by the way who is this hazel Eyed boy you have drawn but at least draw the whole face.
Ashu- I don't know his whole face just these eyes come in my dreams everyday
Jaan- Wait I have seen this eyes some where isn't it Sid
Ashu- How is it possible I haven't seen him ever
Jaan- Yeah you are right.

Sid- I have found the love of my life
He said happily
Ashu- O ok ( her voice was cracking)

Who is Siddharth's love life the what about Avu or Ashu
Why Ashu is sad?
What will happen now?


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