I close my eyes and dream of you

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Marinette and Luka made their way to the park opposite the bakery before settling on a bench.

"They're soulmates Luka, I messed everything up. I've made so many mistakes and wasted so much time." Marinette settled into Luka's side as she traced his own soulmate mark with her index finger.

She was one of the few who knew he had it. The musical notes wrapping around his arm just under his elbow like a snake reaching for his hand. They were exquisite and she couldn't help but feel slightly jealous someone had managed to bag him too. Both her boys were gone.

"How about you duet with me?" He asked.

"Luka, no, I can't you know it's not -" Luka's finger pressed against her lips stopping her from talking.

"Listen to me, Marinette. Just hear the lyrics of what I'm going to say." She nodded with his finger still firmly on her lips.

"Go out with me. We know it won't last and we won't fall in love because we're not soulmates, but it'll give you some support, some experience. When you get your soul-mark and find your soulmate you'll be free to fly. I'm not going to force you to stay with me, you know I wouldn't. You need to move on now you know he's not yours. It's time to let him go and I promise to support and help you."

Marinette nodded at Luka's words. It hurt. It hurt like hell, but he was right. Everything he said was right.

"How can you be so amazing, and not be mine?" Marinette joked. Luka began to laugh, scrunching his eyes as his hand came to his mouth from where he'd held his fingers against her lips. He knew she was joking, that's what she did. It hurt the first time she said it was a joke but it hit him like a bullet to the heart, that was until his soul mark appeared not too long ago.

"Firstly that's your heartbreak talking and secondly I'm not your destiny. I have no right to want you, you're not mine. And finally, I'm magical."

Marinette laughed.

"You truly are. Whoever is your soul mate is going to be one lucky girl." She wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"I still wish it would have been you." Marinette felt uncomfortable, it's not the first time he's said something like this but he couldn't help wearing his heart on his sleeve. One of the many reasons she wished she could fall in love with him, that he was her soulmate, but no one could stand up to Adrien.

"So, a date?"

"Sure. How about tomorrow? I'll meet you at six?" Marinette opened her mouth to agree just as her phone signalled a message. Tikki had opened her bag and Marinette could see the author of the message.


"One second." She lifted out her phone to read the message. It seemed they could meet tomorrow after school to start their assignment. Again fate had other ideas about her and Luka. This seemed to be a reoccurring theme in her life.

"Can we rain check tomorrow?" Marinette typed a response to Adrien as she responded to Luka. "How about Friday?"

Luka nodded as he noticed the contact on her phone. No matter what happened, no matter how hard he tried, fate would always lead her back to him. Back to Adrien. The more he thought about them the more he found it strange that Adrien had received his soul-mark, they were a synchronisation he'd never seen before. But all that would be a question for another day.

Finally, at around five in the evening, Adrien walked into the hallway of his cold heartless home, worn out from a mind challenging day. He could see that Kagami and her mother were already sitting on the sofa's in the hallway, poised ready to see him. He tried to swallow only to find the saliva was restricted as it attempted to glide down his throat. This was it! He was stuck and would forever be known as the liar.

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