Seven Day Countdown

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"Mr Darcy, I must thank you for your unexampled generosity to both my sisters. I know what kindnesses you have done for poor Lydia and suspect your hand in the happy resolution for Jane also."

"I am alarmed that you know of what I have been so in earnest to keep silent. But you must know that your happiness was one of my prime inducements."

Elizabeth looks at Darcy and he continues.

"I know you are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my Aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I had scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me forever."

"What word is it?."

"Shut up, Plagg."

Adrien slumped onto his bed and lay staring up at the ceiling, script thrown next to him on the bed, abandoned for the time being. He thought through the words he'd just spoken, how was he going to convey such emotions with Marinette? She wasn't ignoring him anymore, but she was making it known how annoyed with him she was. He doubted she'd be sharing Elizabeth's love for Darcy.

He had seven days left.

Seven days to tell Kagami. He'd tried again as they'd met for fencing earlier that week. She was pushing to see his soulmark. Recently, he'd been covering it more than ever, she still didn't have a clue about the lack of mark on his skin.

Finally, as he built up the courage to speak, a ring tone sounded around the room. An akuma alert. So, of course, he had to get up and leave her again. She was still none the wiser to his unmarked, flawless skin.

"You know, Pigtails will forgive you eventually. She's just upset with you lying. You know the girl lives for justice."

"Plagg, she's so disappointed in me and now I've got the added pressure of this," he picked up the script and waved it in Plagg's face. "We need to be in love with each other to make this scene work, and to make it worse we've got to do it well, my father wants me to be prom King to keep up the Agreste superiority." Adrien looked towards his five inch fluff ball of destruction, face showing every feeling of disgusted he possessed.

His father may want him to be Prom King, but Adrien had zero desire. If it was up to him he'd give it to Alya and Nino. They deserved it and would be perfect for it. All Gabriel wanted was bragging rights and a way to promote the company in the United States.

"You need to be in love with each other?" Plagg couldn't help the smirk on his face. Finally, the kid was giving some sort of unconscious indication to his feelings for the raven haired, pigtail wearing girl.

"Act! We have to act in love with each other. Not be in love with each other, because that would mean she loves me and she definitely doesn't. She told me so herself. Plus, you know, we've got the shoot next week too. Father wants to play it as a Cinderella romance story. The pretty girl at the ball catches the eye of the Prince. I need to be in love with her for that too," Adrien caught himself on his words, "act in love! We need to act in love."

He placed his hands over his eyes and groaned.

"What the hell is up with that? She doesn't like me like that, so it won't happen."

Plagg rolled his eyes at Adrien's rambling. He would mention to Adrien that he never denied his own love for the girl but decided to settle by the script instead. There was something here he could use, something so 'Adrien and Marinette' that perhaps it'd get his wielders mind working.

He reread through the lines they'd just rehearsed and it hit him like a freight train, and the chaos causing God applauded himself for his brilliant idea. Just a tiny seed to implement into the blonde's brain, Tikki would never know, it's not like he was sharing their identities, just simple manipulation of sorts. He skimmed over the script to make sure he delivered the hit just right.

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