The Final Fight (Part II)

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The sky seemed to have darkened rapidly in the few minutes it had taken to get from Ladybug to his mansion. She asked him to wait, and he was going to obey her orders. He didn't really want to go in anyway, he didn't want to do this. He could feel the anger still bubbling in his stomach, anger for himself, Marinette and the rest of Paris.

His baton began to ring and he noticed his lady's picture smiling back at him. He couldn't' help mirroring the facial expression, he truly adored her and he couldn't wait for this to be over so he could grovel at her feet, begging for forgiveness, before marrying her and working in the bakery. Ok, so his thoughts were getting a little ahead of him, but he was happy. For once in his life he knew nothing could go wrong.

He pressed the green receive button to be faced with a sullen looking Marinette, her eyes were red and it looked as though she had been crying.

"M'Lady? Are you ok?"

"I love you," her words hit him hard. Not that he didn't appreciate her calling now and saying it, but it made no sense.

"I love you too, Bugaboo. What's happening? Why do you look- "

A sudden thundering sound from behind the camera, broke his attention away from her. He turned his head towards the noise and what he saw made his heart drop.

"My father, he knows I'm here. I know you said not to go alone but -"

"Do it Kitty! I trust you."

Before he could respond his father had pounced on him. Closing the baton, he swung it as hard as he could, crashing against his fathers staff.

"Nice of you to come and join me, Adrien. Where's your little girlfriend? You both have something I need." Gabriel swung back again and hit against Adrien's side.

The cat hero went sailing across the roof and down into the forecourt, his father dropping beside him.

"I'm quite sure this would be classed as animal abuse," Adrien responded, taking a step to the side dodging his father's next attack.

He spun around bringing his baton down hard on the floor and using it to propel himself forwards, feet posed and positioned straight into Gabriel's chest. Unfortunately, his fathers reactions were quicker than expected. Grabbing hold of Adrien's ankle, he sent his son sailing over his head and through a large circular window.

Adrien sprung to his feet and looked around. He'd never been here before. He didn't even know this was part of his house. Looking around he noticed bright lights leading over a bridge. Plants and butterflies surrounded the area and something glass in the middle, something similar to a coffin. He ran towards it and noticed as it got closer there was someone in there. Someone familiar. Someone he loved.

"No," the words were faint on his lips as he stopped running. "Mother?" He stepped forwards and placed a hand over the cold glass, hovering where her heart was.

"Give me the ring Adrien," the voice was cold and harsh, nothing like a father should sound as he spoke to his son. "Give me the ring, Adrien, I can bring her back."

Adrien's hand clasped over his Miraculous, twisting it over his gloved finger.

"Bring her back to what? To a son and father who hate each other? To a husband who is a known terrorist?"

"I don't hate you Adrien, I just need you to understand where I am coming from. You know more than anyone that you'd do anything for love."

Adrien's head shot to look at the evil grin on Shadowmoth's face. He had never hated anyone more. How dare his father think this is what his mother would have wanted. How dare he think he knew the extent of his love for Marinette, for Ladybug.

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