Premonition or Dream?

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4 days until Marinette's Birthday

I dream of growing old with you. I dream of spending every single beautiful day together with you for the rest of my life.

The Yin and Yang are two parts of a whole, but beware, a little bit of Yin is in the Yang and vice versa. When we are unconscious, our defenses drop and the strongest of souls can meet each other, but beware, things might not always be as they seem.


"I read in this magazine about how as you reach your soulmark date you begin to experience different things? Something like, the stronger the connection, the more extreme the reaction."

Luka grabbed a piece of the pepperoni pizza currently laid out on Marinette's chaise.

"So you think me becoming ultra confident, and a little bit of a cow has something to do with my soulmark?" She grabbed her glass of water and washed down her previous cheesy treat.

"I don't see why not? You're only a few days away from your birthday now. The additional hormones could be playing with your body." Marinette nodded, considering what Luka was saying.

She'd spoken to Tikki about the strange occurrences from the funfair to no real help. Tikki had explained that yes, being a Miraculous holder can make things intense in the lead up to her soulmark, however that is all she could say.

Tikki was desperate to tell her that it happened between Yin and Yang holders, so herself and Chat Noir would become unable to hide things from each other. They would always want to bare their souls and share everything with each other. Therefore, Marinette's response to Adrien would intensify over the next couple of days. Tikki feared for her holder, whereas Plagg was thoroughly enjoying the show.

"Did you experience anything?" She questioned her sort-of boyfriend.

"I didn't until I got close to her."

"You still haven't told me a lot about her, Luk, come on and spill the beans. I want to know if she's going to be good enough for my bestie."

Luka burst out laughing. If he'd had his own choice of soulmate he knew he'd choose Marinette. To know her was to love her.

"Fine. I suppose it's about time you found out something, but until we've decided what's happening my information will be limited. I don't want you hunting her down and beating her up." He said.

"What do you take me for?" She placed one hand on her heart and stared at him.

Smirking, he grabbed another piece of pizza and shoved it in his mouth.

"Well, with this new extreme Marinette Dupain-Cheng,  I'm worried what will happen?"

Marinette glared at him, before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his face. She really did get on well with Luka, he was such a great guy. He was definitely in her top three. Unfortunately he knows this and brings it up often, Juleka forgot to hide their dream lists during their most recent sleepover. Marinette, having Chat Noir as her number one, opened a whole other can of worms.

"Fine. She's cool. She went to school in New York, and is actually related to someone you know -"

"Who?" Marinette was now intrigued. She needed to know.

"Not saying, that'll give it away."

"Why so secretive? Is she a superhero?"

Luka gaffored. 

"No Marinette, I'm not chasing Ladybug."

"She's way out of your league, plus you'd have to fight her partner." Marinettes words came out without any thought. Why the hell had she said that? Since when did she have a huge stick up her ass.

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