The Legend that is Plagg

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Marinette watched the door close behind the nurse before hearing a slam outside the door. It sounded as though Alya had something to say to Adrien, something including her uncanny strength. What the hell had happened back at the mall? She was seriously missing some key information, and prayed someone wouldn't fill her in soon.

She could hear the muffled voices through the wall and wished her leg was working so she could eavesdrop on their conversation. It took a lot to anger Alya, yet it seemed Adrien was doing a fine job at it.

She looked down at the food the nurse had just delivered and screwed up her nose. Perhaps she could message her parents to bring her something later? It looked horrible. Wafer thin ham and plastic cheese, they were meant to be in France for crying out loud.

Picking up the croissant she nibbled the edge before throwing it back onto the plate. That was diabolical. She'd ask Adrien if he wanted it when he came back, he tended to eat anything, especially when it was baked goods. She desperately needed to get in contact with her parents to bring her something to eat.

As if the food Gods had heard her, a phone began to ring in the room, and whoever's phone it was had the voice announcement on.

Call from Tom Dupain

Who in the right mind uses a voice announcement? Well apart from her Grandpapa, but that's only because he was losing his eyesight. Marinette sat and looked at Adrien's jacket. She was positive that was where the noise was coming from. Scrunching her lips she wondered if she should just reach into his pocket and grab it. It wouldn't be the first time stealing his phone, plus it was her papa calling <em>and</em> he'd just left his phone there. She could tell him she was only grabbing it to bring it to him. Yeah, she could do that, except there was one major issue ... she couldn't walk. Crap.

The phone suddenly halted its tune. She breathed out a sigh of relief, she didn't need to do anything. It had stopped therefore his voicemail would pick it up, she just needed to tell him about it when he returned to her bedside. Adrien Agreste at her bedside, oh how she would have loved that in her younger teen years. But right now, it just felt a little uncomfortable. Adrien was here yet all she could think about was when Chat would be back. She was missing him already, it felt like he was so close yet so far away. Perhaps he was on guard outside, especially since he found out about Hawkmoth, Shadowmoth? The guy's name was getting too confusing, maybe she should stick with Gabriel Agreste.

The name made her flinch. Her fashion idol, her best friend's father ... her best friend's father. Oh no, she'd have to tell Adrien his father was trying to kill her. He wouldn't believe her though, who would believe that? She knew Adrien and his father had issues, but to think he was a villain, and that he wanted to kill a newly turned sixteen year old for her earrings? Yeah right, he'd have her in a white jacket in no time.

Her brain began to go through different scenarios of how she could tell Adrien, or whether she actually should when his phone began to ring again.

Call from Tom Dupain

Wow, her father was persistent. What could he possibly need to speak to Adrien about? Were they waiting to come up? Did they promise Adrien some alone time with her before they appeared. The thought was as equally nerve wracking as exciting. Adrien wanted to see her.

The phone stopped ringing again, and she could hear the pounding of shoes echoing down the hallway outside. Someone was leaving, moving away from her current room. She quickly brushed her hair through with her fingers, expecting Adrien to appear back in the room any moment after all he'd left his jacket here, and there was no way he'd leave without it.

Call from Tom Dupain

That was it, she was picking up the phone. If Adrien questioned it she'd just explain it was the lack of blood making her disoriented, and she thought it was her phone. After all, it was her father calling, an easy mistake to make really.

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