The Final Fight (Part I)

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The hospital had been on lockdown since the emergence of Shadowmoth's appearance on the Eiffel Tower. Windows were all bolted down and doors securely locked, announcements being made over the tannoy for everyone to remain in their rooms and not leave the hospital. Paris was under attack.

Adrien took his phone out to call Tom and Sabine. Luckily, Marinette's parents hadn't left the bakery yet, and with a quick check on the protection spell with Tikki, both heroes were happy with their safety. Understandably, Marinette's parents were fearful for what the two teens were about to face. Adrien had promised both that nothing would happen to Marinette, however Tom was only satisfied when Marinette had declared the same for Adrien.

Marinette had drawn the curtains in her room, obstructing the view from outside agents looking in. The door was locked and blocked, hidden and secure, and finally they could begin their advance. Marinette called her transformation once more and became her alter ego, whilst Adrien paced the room.

"Can't you just unify Tikki and Longg? You've done it before."

"We need as many bodies as possible, it'll be more efficient if I'm only acting as Ladybug. Wielding the two will drain my energy quickly and I doubt your father wants a quick fight." Marinette unhooked her yo-yo pulling out the Miraculous she needed.

"Don't call him that, I don't have a father anymore. Though, maybe I have a father-in-law?" He looked over at Marinette catching the wall in front of her eyes. She was in battle mode, and obviously still a little peeved at him.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Kitty."

"M'Lady, I really am sorry." Adrien walked over to Marinette, hands up in surrender.

She let out a sigh, knowing this would be playing on his mind if she didn't do something to placate him now. They weren't in a situation where having this hanging over their heads would be good for either of them. They needed to retain their focus; it wasn't going to be easy fighting, finally going head-to-head with their arch nemesis and his father.

She walked over to him and took his hands in hers. She revelled in the security and warmth of having them in contact with her own, even with her being in her suit made the feeling intense.

"Adrien, I'm not happy with everything that has happened, but I'm not going to give up on this, I'm not giving up on us. Just one step at a time Kitty." She placed a kiss on his cheek and handed over the horse Miraculous to Adrien. As he placed the glasses over his eyes, he greeted Kalkki, as the kwami appeared in front of them.

"Long time no see, Chat Noir, Plagg." The horse nodded his welcome to Adrien and Plagg, before bowing to the Guardian.

"Good to see you too, Kalkki." Adrien transformed into Arion waiting for his next orders.

"You need to get Alya and Nino, they're together in Nino's room, then Luka and Kagami."

"How about I swap with you, and you go and get Kagami?"

Marinette looked at Adrien, she knew this was going to be uncomfortable for him, hell it was going to be uncomfortable for everyone, and she didn't know half of what had happened since the shooting. She continued to stare at him until he finally let out a sigh, giving in to her instructions.

"Kalkki, voyage." Suddenly a portal appeared and revealed an enthusiastic looking Nino and Alya sitting on a bed.

They bounded into the room through the portal, before Adrien closed it and dropped his transformation. He fed Kalkki, helping the kwami recharge ready to head to his next destination. A tone sounded around the room and Alya pulled out her phone.

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