Baring Souls

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7 days until Marinette's birthday

Find one person to trust—there need only be one. With them, share every shame, every secret and listen to theirs... with love. Bare hearts and souls until there is understanding. Of a certainty, such honest exposure is the first step toward happiness.
— André Chevalier

Miraculous holders will inherit new powers leading up to the day of their soulmark. These will increase the bonds of the Yin and Yang holders, starting with the ability to bare their souls.


Marinette had finished her homework, finalised the design for Kagami's dress, spoken to Luka, and was now on the way to meet up with her friends. She loved it when the funfair came to town, she always saw it as the start of her birthday week. On the same date every year the fair would appear in the city centre, always exactly seven days before her birthday. It wasn't massive, but it was fun. Games, bumper cars, a ghost house and a Ferris wheel, plus all the 'bad for you treats' she could eat.

As she reached the entrance she noticed two extras to their little gang. Adrien and Kagami. In the three years she'd known Adrien he'd never been allowed to attend the funfair, something about his father seeing it as below their standards. After all, it wasn't like VIPing around Disneyland.

"Marinette, over here." Placing on her battle face, and taking a deep breath, she made her way over to Alya and the gang. Giving a quick round of hello's before finally making eye contact with Adrien.

She was still cross about what he was doing to Kagami, and now, worst of all, she felt like an accomplice. Kagami was one of her best friends, yet here she was being deceitful and dishonest, avoiding the conversations and lying through her teeth. She wouldn't be surprised if Kagami never forgave her after this, and she hated herself for going against her better judgments.

Adrien was trying to get her attention, she could tell that much. Obviously he wanted to make sure she didn't drop him in it, the fear on his face said as much.

They moved forward and all paid for their tickets before entering the arena. Marinette held herself back, feeling ever so much the fifth wheel. Luka was rehearsing that night so couldn't come along with her, so there she was. Just her and the 'happy' couples.

Placing her purse back in her bag, someone grabbed a hold of her lower arm. In fright that the person might be about to take her bag, or that they might see Tikki, she slammed the bag shut and turned towards her attacker. Grabbing their wrist, she twisted it around and pulled it behind their back. She couldn't be Ladybug without learning a few tricks of the trade for her civilian life.

"Don't take what's not yours!" She commanded before recognising the ring on the hand of her hostage. Quickly letting go, Marinette let out a squeak and her face went into competition with a fire hydrant.

Adrien stood in front of her, rubbing his shoulder where he was quite sure it had been forced out of the socket.

"Firstly, I'm not trying to take anything, and secondly, ouch! Where the hell did you learn to do that? That hurt."

Marinette looked into Adrien's eyes, full of hurt manly pride and felt a change in her body. Suddenly she felt full of confidence, different to her Ladybug confidence, one that purely seemed to be aimed at Adrien. But why had Adrien triggered it off? She couldn't help but want to tell him the truth, as if he had some right to know about her deepest darkest secrets.

"Didn't you know," she moved forward and stretched up on her toes to reach Adrien's ear, "I'm a superhero." She dropped a wink as she lowered back to her heels and sauntered off towards Alya and Nino. Leaving a stunned and speechless Adrien behind. Where had her stuttering gone? He liked when she stuttered, it didn't cause his body to react in uncontrollable ways.

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