Captain Jack Has Cracked!

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Maggie's log:

Day 51 in Davy Jones Locker.

I guess all in all I could say I had an almost-fun eighth birthday. It was definitely unique, how many girls can say they got eaten by a kraken on their birthday?

Not many, I guess...

Now I'm stuck in Davy Jones Locker with my Dad. They say this place is supposed to be your own personalized hell and if that's the case being stuck on a non-moving ship with my lunatic father is my hell. So... basically my regular life only the Black Pearl doesn't move! It's been nearly two months, supplies are low, cannibalism is becoming an option and whatever was left of Dad's mind is gone. He's starting to hallucinate and talk to himself. I might even be close to losing my own mind and at this point who knows what spark could set off this powder keg that is the mind of Maggie Sparrow...

Speaking of which, I better go check on Dad again. Man, he's really out of it!

Maggie Sparrow walked out of my cabin that morning to find her dad pointing his pistol at an empty chair.

"Uh... Daddy?" Maggie asked him.

"Shhh!" Captain Jack hissed. He took his aim and fired at the empty chair. Then he walked up to the table with a silver platter on it and picked up... a single peanut?

"My peanut" he told an invisible person.

Maggie shook my head at her father's delusions."Daddy, who are you talking to?" She asked him.

"Jack #23 was trying to eat me peanut!" Jack told her.

Maggie raised an eyebrow and glanced at the empty chair. "Dad, I hate to tell you this" she sighed "But you're getting kinda... insane."

Jack's jaw dropped. "Am not!" He scoffed.

"Are too!" Maggie told him "You're two scoops of crazy with a side of coo-coo-cachoo!

"Cachoo?" Jack asked, confused.

"Gazuntite!" Maggie giggled.

Captain Jack smirked, he loved the fact that even though they were stuck in Davy Jones Locker, his daughter was always joking and trying to keep his spirits up. Everytime he started to haullicinate or loose his mind, Maggie was always there to bring him back down to earth. He sat down and held her in his lap.

He looked at her lovingly as he pushed a little black curl back into place.

"Maggie, do you ever wish you could stay the way you are now?" Jack asked her.

"Hot and sweaty?" Maggie asked, confused.

"No, I mean stay a little girl forever?" Jack asked.

Maggie thought about it briefly.

"Nah!" She shook her head "it's no fun, nobody takes you seriously! I could steal all kinds of stuff and people think it's was a grown up! I don't get any credit for the robbery at all! Because nobody ever suspects the child!"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Jack asked, raising a brow.

"Yeah, but what's the point of doing something if you don't even get recognized for it?" Maggie asked.

"That's true" Jack said "but I, for one, wish you could stay little forever. That way I wouldn't have to worry about you having a boyfriend or a husband or--"

"Gross!" Maggie stuck a finger down her throat and gagged.

"I'll have to remind you of that when you're going through puberty" Jack told her.

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