A Truthful Bedtime Story

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💀Baby Maggie in picture💀

Night had fallen over the Black Pearl, the sea's were came and the stars were in the sky. Captain Jack sat at the helm, he figured they'd be docking in Shipwreck Cove for Barbossa's oh-so-brilliant Brethren Court Meeting tomorrow night. Show off...

As Jack was try to plot their course to Shipwreck, he found couldn't think straight. He kept thinking about Maggie and how she reacted to seeing those papers.

Beckett, that slimy powdered wig wearing rat! Jack thought, Messing with me is one thing, but when you try to corrupt my little girl and turn her against me, you're as good as dead!

Of course, Jack knew he couldn't just run Beckett through, no matter how tempting the thought was. If Jack could convince the Brethren to join together and battle against Beckett, Beckett would take them all hostage and ensure that Jones won't kill Jack. Even if Maggie did hate him at the moment, Jack didn't want to see his only daughter grow up without him. At this point Jack needed Maggie more than she needed him.

Jack looked up at the moon and noticed it had nearly reached it's peak in the sky, meaning it must have been around midnight. Jack looked at Maggie's cabin door, there was no lantern light gleaming through under the door, so he figured she was sleeping.

Jack slowly opened the door to find Maggie asleep in her bed. He noticed some of her toys were scattered around the room. He went quietly around the room picking up the toys and putting them away.

"Daddy..." Maggie mumbled in her sleep.

Jack froze and looked at Maggie's sleeping form. Tears were running down her face as she slept and she was kicking her feet as she tossed and turned violently.

"Daddy!" She moaned in her sleep "Come back... come back, Daddy! I love you! Come back! Don't leave me!"

"Maggie" Jack gently shook her shoulder trying to wake her up. "Maggie!"

Maggie's eyes opened and she wiped the tears and sleep from her eyes. She saw Jack sitting on the end of her bed and crawled onto his lap, hugging him.

Jack immediately wrapped his arms around her trembling form. "Bad dream, Luv?" He asked.

"Yeah" she sniffled "I dreamt that you were mad at me because of what I said earlier today. So you had the crew put me in a sack and you dropped me off at an orphanage."

"That will never happen, Luv" Jack told her, truthfully. "Never in a million years would I ever do that to you."

Maggie nodded, but still seemed a little unconvinced as she remembered what she read in those documents.

"Would you like a story to help you calm down?" Jack asked as if he could read her mind.

"Yes" Maggie nodded.

"Alright, this story is about two birds, a girl bird and a boy bird" Jack stared "Now these birds were love birds and one day they noticed that the girl bird had laid an egg, right there in their nest!"

"Wow!" Maggie said.

"The love birds now knew that a baby bird would arrive soon and they were going to be parents!" Jack said "The girl bird was so happy about being a mother. She immediately began preparing for the baby. She read about how to feed it and and clean it. She bought it little outfits to wear and toys to play with. And she did it all while still sitting on the egg to hatch the baby bird!"

Maggie smiled at the thought of a mother bird going baby crazy.

"But at the same time the boy bird wasn't sure about having a baby bird in the nest" Jack continued on "The boy bird loved that they were going to have a baby. He loved that baby bird before he even saw it. It was himself he wasn't sure about."

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