Captain Dumb & Captain Dumber!

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Maggie Sparrow was now certain that the world had gone mad... or her father's craziness was contagious. It was hard to tell at this point...

"Trim that sail!" Captain Barbossa yelled to the crew.

"Trim that sail!" Captain Jack echoed.

"Slack the windward brace and sheet!" Captain Barbossa shouted.

"Slack the windward brace and sheet!" Captain Jack echoed.

"Haul the pennet line!" Captain Barbossa ordered.

"Haul the pennet line!" Captain Jack repeated.

Barbossa stopped and rolled his eyes at Jack. "What are ye doing?" He asked.

"What're you doing?" Jack asked him back.

"No, What arrrre ye doing?!" Barbossa yelled at him.

"What're you doing?!" Jack yelled back.

"NO! WHAT ARRRRE YE DOING?!" Barbossa shouted.

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING?" Jack shouted back.

"I'll tell you what you're both doing!" Maggie walked up between the two men. "You're standing on the deck of a ship, shouting at each other like a couple of banshee's! So, might I suggest shutting up! So we can refrain from going deaf!"

The two feuding captain's watched as the young girl walked away and went to the helm.

"Captain gives orders on the ship" Jack told Barbossa, lowering his voice slightly.

"The Captain of this ship is giving orders!" Barbossa argued.

"My ship makes me Captain!" Jack insisted.

"They be my charts!" Barbossa told Jack, holding up the map.

"Well, that makes you... chart-man!" Jack shrugged.


Everyone on deck jumped as a gunshot rang out. They all turned to see young Maggie holding a smoking pistol in the air.

"This is the final warning for both of you!" She told them, blowing smoke off the pistol. "Get it together and shut your traps!"

"He was mocking me!" Barbossa ratted on Jack.

"He started it!" Jack tattletaled on Barbossa.

"I don't care who started it! I'll end it! And then I'll end both of you!" Maggie glared at them "And then it's gonna be known that the Black Pearl belongs to Captain Maggie Sparrow! Now stop fighting and share the ship like a couple of civil human beings!!"

Jack and Barbossa made their way up to the helm.

"Have we really just been threatened by a little girl?" Barbossa asked.

"Quiet!" Jack whispered from the corner of his mouth. "I don't think were allowed to talk while we work!"

Hehehe! I'm running the show now! Maggie thought to herself, slyly.

"Maggie?" Came a soft voice snapping her out of her thoughts.

Maggie glanced behind her to see an apologetic-looking Elizabeth Swann holding a plate of cookies.

Maggie turned away. "Can't talk" she stated "I'm ignoring you."

"Maggie" Elizabeth told her "I don't expect you to forgive me..."

"That's a good expectation!" Maggie said.

"I just want you to know that I'm really sorry... and to prove it, I made you cookies" Elizabeth said.

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