Rescuers in Need of Rescuing!

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As Captain Jack Sparrow sailed the crab-powered Black Pearl into the tide, Maggie noticed that the rest of the gang finally made it. They were standing on the beach, unable to believe what they were seeing.

"Hi Will! Hi Liz! Hi Gibbs! Hi Marty! Hi Dingus and Doofus!" Maggie waved to them as the ship finally made it into the bay. She knew if she called Pintel and Regetti 'Dingus and Doofus' they'd be mad.

Captain Jack grabbed Maggie by the waist and slung her over his shoulder as he jumped off the ship and sauntered over them.

"Bye Crabs! Thanks for the ride!" Maggie said, looking back at the rock crabs as they scuttled back into the sea.

The crew came running up to them, like lost sheep without their shepherd.

"It's the Captain!"

"And Maggie!"

"Sight for sore eyes!"

"Mr. Gibbs!" Jack snapped to his loyal first mate.

"Aye Cap'n!" Gibbs answered.

"I thought so, I expect you're able to account for your actions then?" Jack asked him.

Gibbs stared at him, dumbfounded. "Sir?" He asked.

"There has been a prepentual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel, why? Why is that, sir?" Jack raised his voice.

"Sir..." Gibbs whispered to him "you're in Davy Jones Locker, Cap'n..."

Jack looked around absentmindedly. "I know that!" He lied "I know where I am... and don't think that I don't!"

"Jack Sparrow!" Came a familiar voice. But not a pleasant one either...

Captain Jack and Maggie turned to see Captain Barbossa, their old enemy. Maggie's eyes widened at the sight of him. Why isn't he dead? She thought, annoyed He just keeps coming back! Like a bad foot fungus!

Jack, still thinking this was a haullicination, walked over and greeted Barbossa like he was an old friend.

"Ah, Hector!" He said "it's been too long, hasn't it?"

"Aye!" Barbossa nodded "Isla de Muerta, remember? Ye shot me!"

Captain Jack shook his head "No, I didn't!"

Jack then moved on to Tia Dalma. "Tia Dalma!" He greeted her "Out and about, eh? You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium!"

Tia gave him a confused smile.

"He thinks we're a haullicination" Will stated.

"Yep!" Maggie nodded, looking at her father. "His mind is gone, man! Where'd it go? We may never know! But it's gone! Captain Jack Sparrow's brain has left the building! But then again, I don't think it ever entered either!"

"Maggie!" Jack said, hugging her "When did you get here, ye little miniature munchkin?"

"I've been beside you since ever you hopped off the ship, ye daft ding-a-ling!" Maggie told him, having had enough of his insanity.

"That's nice" Jack said, booping her on the nose.

"Grrr..." Maggie fumed. Sane or insane, she hated when her father booped her nose in public.

Captain Jack then decided to prove to Will Turner that he was, in fact, hallucinating.

"Tell me something, William" the pirate asked the young sailor. "Have you come because you need my help to rescue a certain distressing damsel? Or rather damsel in distress? Either one?"

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