The Brethren Court: It's Mad Politics!

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As was expected the Black Pearl made it's way into Shipwreck Cove the next day, just as the sun started setting over the horizon. The ship was just outside the entrance to the town of Shipwreck, where the meeting of the Brethren Court was being held.

"Look alive and keep a watchful eye!" Mr.Gibbs ordered "Not for nothing it's called Shipwreck Island! Where lies Shipwreck Cove! In the town of Shipwreck!"

"You heard him!" Pintel hollered "Step lively!"

Maggie looked around at the rocky shoals and caverns that protected the pirate citizens of Shipwreck Cove from danger and the royal navy.

"Excited to see the big city, Luv?" Captain Jack asked her.

"Yeah!" Maggie smiled "I hear it's worse than Tortuga and has twice as many pirates!"

"You're half right, Dearie" Jack said.

"Have you ever been here?" Maggie asked.

"Actually, Shipwreck is where I grew up" Jack told her.

"Really?" Maggie gasped.

"Aye, you're Grandad thought I would sink his ship if he kept me at sea with him" Jack explained "So he brought me here to stay with relatives."

Captain Jack stepped up to the helm and took the wheel from Mr. Cotton.

"Step out, Mr. Cotton" Jack said "There's some dangerous cross tides ahead that will prove a trick to navigate."

As Captain Jack sailed the Black Pearl into a patch of rocky shoals, it was revealed to be a huge sea tunnel. As the Pearl sailed through the pitch black tunnel.

"What is this place?" Maggie asked as they sailed through the darkened stone tunnel.

"The Devil's Throat" Jack answered, grimly. "It's the hellish and rocky pathway into the town of Shipwreck. And unfortunately the only way. Many ships have tried to get through here but have failed. Which explains the name of the cove."

"Cool!" Maggie breathed.

"That's one way of putting it..." Jack rolled his eyes.

The Black Pearl sailed toward a distant light and soon found Shipwreck Cove.

Shipwreck Cove was a hidden and saclueted island, surrounded by water and docks. In the center of it all was Shipwreck City, a pile of broken and derelict ships tossed together in a towering pile.

Docked in around the cove were Pirate ships of all shapes and sizes, different types from different corners of the globe.

"Look at them all!" Pintel exclaimed in wonder.

"There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime" Barbossa told everyone.

"And I owe them all money..." Jack frowned.


Maggie watched with growing anticipation as all the Pirate Lord's arrived with their first mates and lieutenant's, one by one they filled the Pirate Hall.

Maggie grinned as she watched them arrive, these were the worst pirates in the world! All of them representing a different corner of the earth a different country or content. It was like meeting a gang of pirate celebrities!

There was Ammand the Pirate Lord of the Black Sea, Eduardo Villanueva of the Adriatic Sea, Captaine Chevalle of the Mediterranean Sea. Also Gentleman Jocard of the Atlantic Ocean, Mistress Ching of the Pacific Ocean and the always silent, Sumbhajee of the Indian Ocean.

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