Betrayal & Beckett

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Maggie, Jack, Barbossa and the rest of the shore party were brought back aboard the Black Pearl by gunpoint. Maggie glanced over at the Chinese battle ship that stood anchored by the Black Pearl. The name Empress was painted across her haul.

Empress? Maggie thought to herself as she climbed up onto the Pearl. I've heard of that ship... but from where?

As Maggie reached the top of the deck, she saw the ship's captain and immediately knew, why she recognized his ship. It was Sao Feng! The Pirate Lord of Singapore and the South China Sea! He was in charge of representing piracy throughout most of China! Maggie had heard and read about Sao Feng, but she never met him before. Needless to say she was a little starstruck.

Maggie noticed her father hiding behind Barbossa. I guess Daddy's excited too! She thought.

"Sao Feng!" Barbossa said "You showing up here, it's truly a remarkable coincidence."

Sao Feng smirked. "Fortune smiles upon those prepared to meet it's gaze" he said.

"He's so wise" Maggie whispered to Jack.

"Shhh!" Jack hissed "I'm not here!"

"Jack Sparrow..." Sao Feng said, as Jack meekly stepped out from behind Barbossa.

"... You paid me great insult once" Sao Feng accused him.

"That doesn't sound like me" Jack denied.

Sao Feng punched him in the nose, Jack staggered backwards holding his slightly broken nose.

"Yikes!" Maggie hissed.

"So, we'll just call it square then?" Jack asked.

"Hardly" Sao Feng told him. His eyes landed on Maggie, Maggie felt a chill run down her spine as they did.

"Ah, your young offspring?" Sao Feng asked Jack.

"Uh... actually my name is Maggie" she corrected "but you can call me Offspring if you like?"

Sao Feng nodded "Just as cheeky and deceivingly innocent as your father was at your age."

"I try" Maggie shrugged.

Will walked up to Sao Feng and pointed to Elizabeth who was in chains with the rest of the crew.

"Release her!" Will commanded "She's not part of any bargain!"

"And what bargain, be that?" Barbossa asked, narrowing his eyes at Will.

Sao Feng nodded and turned to his crew. "You heard Captain Turner!" He told them "Release her!"

"Captain Turner?" Jack and Maggie raised an eyebrow.

"Aye, the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!" Mr. Gibbs said.

"I should of known" Maggie nodded "it's always the quiet one's."

"Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" Elizabeth asked, eyeing Will warily.

"It was my burden to bare" Will said, his voice ice cold.

"The only way a pirate can make a profit these days is by betraying other pirates" Barbossa stated.

"I need the Black Pearl to free my father" Will told them "it's the only reason I came on this voyage."

"He needs the Pearl! Captain Turner needs the Pearl!" Jack glared at Will. Then he glanced at Elizabeth "And you felt guilty!" He then moved onto Barbossa "And you and your Brethren Court!"

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