Parlay With A Side Of Cra-zay!

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The next morning before the crack of dawn, the docks of Shipwreck Cove were were full of sailors preparing for battle.

Since Maggie was too young to be fighting in a war, Captain Jack was leaving her with Captain Teague for the day.

"Remember to give her breakfast when she wakes up" Jack reminded his father. "And she has to drink all her milk at breakfast. And don't let her run off alone in town, especially if you're in a large crowd, she will try to pick people's pockets and that can land you in serious trouble. And don't forget to--"

"In case you've forgotten, Jackie" Teague told him "I am your father! I think I know how to handle a child."

"I know" Jack said "but Maggie's more... rambunctious than most children."

Just then Maggie came running down the docks loaded up with swords, daggers, grenades and pistols.

"Oh good, I thought I was gonna miss you guys!" Maggie told them "Alright boys, let's go! Hi-ho! Hi-ho! It's off to war we go!"

Jack grabbed her by her shirt collar. "Maggie dearest" Jack told her gently "I'm pretty sure you're too little to be battling in a big war like this. Stay here with your Grandad!"

"But I want to fight! And I'm all ready to kick butt!" Maggie whined "Look! One of Sao Fang's men even gave me some Japanese butt-whooping sticks to use!"

Jack rolled his eyes, watching Maggie twirl around her new weapon.

"Those are nunchucks, Luv" he told her. "And I don't care if you go in heavily armed, you're still too little."

Maggie narrowed her eyes at Jack angrily. "I may be little, but so is a grenade! And some day soon someone will be dumb enough to set me off and before you know it... BOOM!! An explosion of horrible, vengeful and merciless anarchy will blow everyone away! And finally when the smoke clears... there will be no survivors!"

Jack and Captain Teague looked at one another in a sideways glance.

"You want a cookie?" Teague offered.

"Yes, please!" Maggie smiled.

"Good!" Jack said "You stay here and have cookies with your Grandfather while Daddy goes to fight."

"But Daddy" Maggie whined "I wanna fight in the war too!"

"Maggie, I told you" Jack said, kneeling beside her. "You can't fight in the war. You're too little!"

"But who's gonna fight with you?" Maggie pouted "What if you die?"

"Aww Luv" Jack kissed her forehead "Daddy's not gonna die for a very long time."

"How long you are you gonna live?" Maggie asked.

Mr. Gibbs came walking up to Jack. "We're ready to leave when you are, Captain" he told Jack.

"Just a minute" Jack said to Gibbs.

Maggie's eyes widened in fear, thinking Jack was answering her.

"A minute?!" She shrieked "You only have a minute to live! How are you so calm right now?!"

"No! No!" Jack told her "Daddy's not gonna die! Stop it! Listen, I'm going to fight and you're going do as I say and stay out of trouble, savvy?"

Maggie pouted.

Jack nudged her "Come on, say it."

"Savvy" Maggie reluctantly agreed.

"Good" Jack said "see you later then." He went up the gangplank of the Black Pearl and began giving the orders to cast off.

Maggie looked at her grandfather. "Uh... I'll meet you at the Pirate Hall, I gotta go make a tinkle" She told him, walking off the the other end of the docks.

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