Goodbye's & New Beginning's!

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As the Black Pearl sailed near the south bay of Port Royal, Maggie and the crew of the Black Pearl got ready to say goodbye to Elizabeth Swann who was now a Turner by marriage.

Elizabeth walked down from the helm as the crew lowered a longboat into the water.

"Goodbye Poppet" Pintel and Ragetti said.

"Mrs. Turner" Barbossa tipped his hat to her.

She smiled at them, the she stopped in front Maggie near the end of the line standing in front of her father.

"Liz, I'm sorry I was a jerk to you..." Maggie apologized to her. "I guess I should've thought about how you felt before mouthing off. I'll never forget everything you and Will have done for me since the day we met. You guys always watched out for me and now you're married... basically I just wanted to say, I love you guys. Y'know, in a friendly kind of way, not in a two brides and one groom thing! That would be kinda awkward!"

Elizabeth laughed and hugged her. "Thank you, Maggie" she said "Because of you I have adventure in my life... Certainly more than I would've hoped for, but adveture nonetheless." She smiled "you're a very smart and very brave girl, Maggie Sparrow... never lose that."

Elizabeth then looked towards Captain Jack.

"Jack" she told him "It would've never have worked out between us."

"Keep telling yourself that, Darling" Jack smirked.

Elizabeth moved in to give him a kiss goodbye, but Jack held his hands up in defense.

"Once was quite enough!" He told her.

"What does that mean?" Maggie asked.

Captain Jack and Elizabeth glanced at each other.

"Didn't you tell her?" Elizabeth asked.

"I thought you did?" Jack said.

"Tell me what?" Maggie asked.

"Uh... Maggie, Luv..." Jack tried to avoid Maggie's questioning glance. "When Elizabeth chained Daddy to the mast... she distracted me by... kissing me..."

Maggie's eyes widened in shock as she looked between her Father and her best friend. Both had a guilty expression on their face.

"Elizabeth... kissed you...?" She asked her father.

"Aye..." Jack said.

"Lizzie! That's just gross!" Maggie told her. "Look at him! He's not kissable at all! He has smelly rum breath! I've never even seen him brush his teeth before! And his mustache is like a big hairy Caterpillar that just crawls on you lips! Yuck!"

Captain Jack's jaw dropped, surprised at her reaction.

"Oi!" Jack told her "I have feelings too you know! And so does me Caterpillar!"

Elizabeth laughed as she climbed into the longboat and waved to everyone.

Maggie stood near the railing, waving back as the Black Pearl sailed off.

"So where to next?" Maggie asked her Father.

"Tortuga?" Jack asked.

"Tortuga!" Maggie nodded, grinning.


The next afternoon the Black Pearl made port in Tortuga. Captain Jack had went to the Pub for a drink and had just come back with his arms around Scarlett and Giselle. He could finally show off his magnificent vessel to them... and maybe show them the Black Pearl too!

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