The Ultimate Choice

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The Maelstrom Battle between the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman raged on. Maggie was still aboard the Dutchman, looking for her father. She scurried through the fighting crewmen and fish-men and dodged some sailors who were swinging from ship to ship.

Suddenly one sailor came swinging down right in front of her. Maggie looked up and saw...

"Dad!" She called.

"Maggie!" Jack said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the way as a sailor went over the railing.

"I got the key!" Maggie said.

"Good girl!" Jack told her "now help Daddy keep an eye out for..."

"SPARROW!" Davy Jones growled.

"Found him!" Maggie yelled, spotting Davy Jones running up the stairs of the helm with a sword in hand.

"Stay behind me, Luv" Captain Jack said, putting Maggie behind him.

"Get him, Daddy!" Maggie cheered him on.

Jack grinned and took out his sword, the grin soon melted off Jack and Maggie's face. Jack's sword was... basically a little dagger at this point!

"What happened to your sword?" Maggie asked.

"Oh right..." Jack frowned, looking at his sword.

"Ha!" Jones laughed, knowing he had Captain Jack beat.

Jack picked up Maggie and started running around the Dutchman's capstan. Jones chased after them, Jack stopped and looked at Jones from across the capstan. The two darted from left to right trying to fool and catch one and another.

Jones rolled his eyes and walked right through the capstan. His waist disappearing as he walked through the solid object.

As Captain Jack continued to hold her, Maggie reached down and spun the capstan around with Jones turning with it.

Jack and Maggie grinned at each other. Then Jones circled back around...

"RAAAWWWRRR!" He roared, his tentacles flailing around him.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Maggie and Jack screamed in unison.

With Maggie still in his arms, Captain Jack ran around the capstan again, trying to avoid Jones's attack. He set Maggie down behind him and pulled a bayline pin from the capstan and used it as a weapon to block Jones's attacks.

Maggie watched as her father hit Davy Jones in the head with the wooden bayline pin.

Jones retaliated by snatching the bayline pin from Jack and smacking him unconscious onto the deck.

"DADDY!" Maggie shrieked.

She tried to run to her father, but suddenly she felt an arm coil itself around her throat and a hand gripping her free hand to her side it squeezed her wrist, causing her to drop her sword. David had snuck up behind and was holding her in a headlock.

Davy Jones laughed and walked towards the chest. He was stopped dead in his tracks when Elizabeth swung aboard and blocked his way.

"Get away from her!" Elizabeth shouted at David, trying to pry him away from a struggling Maggie.

Davy Jones ripped her away from them and tossed her over by the helm's rail.

"Herridan!" He told her "You'll see no mercy from me!"

"That's why I brought this!" Elizabeth yelled, unsheathing her sharpened sword.

Jones sneered and rushed Elizabeth, tossing her sword from her hand and smacking her onto the helm's stairs.

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