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Sakusa Kiyoomi

It's been a month. A month since Keiko had snuck off with Akaashi. I came to find out that they went to the hospital, and that she spoke with her boyfriend's parents, as well as the fact that her and her boyfriend are completely done.

That's all she's told me. She didn't go into specifics, and I sure as hell wasn't going to push for them.

Every day for this past month, I've woken up to the smell of lemon scented cleaner. I told Keiko multiple times that she didn't need to clean, but she insisted. I do have to admit though, she does a really thorough job. I've never met someone who's cleaned as well as me.

She's also cooking me three meals a day. By the time I wake up, breakfast is waiting for me at the table and is still warm. She cooks lunch and dinner as well. On the days I don't have practice, she sets it all out on the table for me. However, on the days I do, she packs the bento for me to go.

Somehow she always knows when I have time to eat lunch at home, and when I don't.

Even though she cooks all the time, we've never shared a meal together. I haven't even seen her eat, not even when I watch her cook. It's like she's a ghost in my home. I don't even remember the last time she said a word to me directly.

She buys the groceries on her own too, even though I've told her multiple times to stop doing that.

I haven't seen her this entire month either. Her face, I mean. She always makes sure to keep her back to me.

But today...it's different.

"Good afternoon Sakusa-Senpai." She turns to look at me as I walk into the kitchen. "No practice today, right? I just finished making lunch. Sit at the table, I'll bring some tea after I finish washing this."

She's in a better mood today. This is the most shes said to me in weeks. In a daze, I walk over to the table and sit down.

There's two plates set out today. Why does this make me feel so happy?

A few minutes later, she emerges from the kitchen holding two cups of tea. She sets one down in front of me, before sitting down across the table and placing the other in front of her.

"Thank you for the meal" She says, clasping her hands together.

"Thank you for the meal." I follow.

She grabs her chopsticks, beginning to serve me instead of herself.

"I can do it, it's fine." I say, but she shakes her head.

"I want to. You've been working hard at practice lately, so I think you should start eating before me." She says, continuing to pile food onto my plate.

I stay quiet, looking at her. Her face is pretty much healed now, maybe that's why she's finally letting me see her. I don't want to take my eyes off of her, what if she stops letting me see her again?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks, raising an eyebrow as she finally begins to serve herself.

"You're really beautiful." I blurt out, then my eyes widen.

Shit. How can I say that right now? Am I stupid, or am I fucking stupid?

My cheeks redden in embarrassment, and I quickly look away from her. The sound of her laughter fills the air, making me almost snap my neck to look back at her. She hasn't done that in so long.

"Sakusa-Senpai, you're very bold today." She says. "But...thank you." She looks down, and I swear I can see the lightest shade of pink rest upon her cheeks.

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