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Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since I got the news. It's been two weeks since I've left the comfort of my home. I've been living off the little groceries and canned food I had in the house since then.

I've felt so pathetic, but being in bed all day makes me feel even more pathetic. So obviously I do what one would do when they don't want to be holed up in their room anymore.

I move to the living room.

For these past two weeks I've been weighed down by my thoughts.

Sakusa Kiyoomi is one hell of an actor.

'He was part of the plan'

Ha. That's hilarious. So everything was fake. Every 'I love you', every moment we spent together. How much more of my life is going to be wasted on stupid guys?

This all happened because I'm naive. So he wasn't really drugged? Was the thing about him going to find the people who attended the same party as us just a lie?

That would mean Hinata and the others are in on it too.

Maybe Sakusa was over it already so he had Hinata expose him or something.

I think one of them tried to visit me the next day. I didn't answer, of course. They kept coming though, but I had already turned off my security cameras. I didn't want to see or talk to any of them. I even disconnected the doorbell because whoever it was just kept pressing and pressing it.

I haven't even turned on my phone since then either. I've been in my own little world. My own small, miserable world.

I'm tired of it though. I'm so over everything. The one person I felt safe with- the person who opened up new opportunities for me and made me fall in love harder with him every single day- has been playing me all this time.

Truly, he should win an award for best actor.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself." I say out loud, then almost immediately hear a knock on my door. I freeze, laying down on my couch and wishing it would swallow me whole.

I quickly lift my head up to glance at the calendar hanging on my wall.

Ah, yesterday the National team should have came back from their tournament.

Ah shit. Shit shit shit.

"Delivery!" Is heard from outside, followed by another knock.

Delivery? I didn't order anything.

I haul myself up, walking to my door and slowly opening it. The girl turns around to face me, a relieved look on her face.

"Are you Keiko Misaki?" She asks and I nod. "Here's your food!" She smiles, holding it out towards me.

I frown, then notice my porch. There's multiple take out bags- all still full.

"Um, I didn't order anything." I say, looking back up at her. "Did you bring all these?"

"Huh? Nope! Just this one. They were here already when I got here." She hums, handing me the food from her hands.

"Ah, I see." I sigh. "Let me grab some money real quick to tip you." I say but before I can turn around she cuts me off.

"No worries! The person who ordered already tipped." She chuckles, making me slowly turn around.

"What's their name start with?" I ask and she quickly looks at her phone.

"Last name S, first name K." She replies.

I scrunch up my face, thrusting the food back at her.

"You can have this then." I say and her eyes widen in shock.

Touch Me- Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now